April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

You expect mafia to join later in counterwagon to save comrade? I do not understans this point

This is exactly what I said in the post before that one, yes

that was the point in me asking it

Sure it does, you are saying everyone who voted against the mafia vote is good

Well, thing is - if you are mafia and expect to be lynched at some point later, it benefits you to not even try to make a coherent argument.

Also why did no one @ LittleLee in discord to save them. LittleLee isnt even voting they made no effort to save themselves lmao. I swear everything points to them being bussed.

You understand the phrase ā€˜antispewā€™ right? What credit should I give you right now that you arenā€™t just doing that?

cool point

not at all coherent to what was being discussed tho?

No I am not, I am saying the later voters, Bionic and Eve, likely hold the mafia in CW?

And im saying its far more likely to be you, sultan, or teen

Cool but your screenshot didnt say that so idk why you posted it as if it was a retort

Im always in a state of antispew when I play mafia tbh


Honestly? You cant be certain since this is blind luck.

Like you say you form reads by engaging with people, how does that square with you instavoting me for merely asking what your thoughts on the game are? Are you considering if whether or not my idea of wanting to test my PoE is reasonable?

I canā€™t townread you if you donā€™t have any actual thoughts

Ill reiterate that once again Iā€™m not worried about being town read right now

I had some thoughts previously on you possibly being W with lee after I saw the flip but didnā€™t take the time to backread or anything, you asked for my reads and I thought it would be amusing to just vote you to show you I had a W read on you, didnā€™t anticipate you getting so bent out of shape over a single vote tho


Also every time someone tells me to backread is more time I will spend not backreading lol

Then play a different game honestly

Apologies for playing the game in a way that I enjoy it


Perhaps Iā€™m being an ass but I think thereā€™s nothing more insulting than showing up to a game and not respecting the effort others put into it.

What does the way that I play the game for enjoyment have to do with respecting people who have a different style than me? You act like Iā€™m just not playing the game instead of approaching it from a different perspective than you


how is ā€˜lol iā€™m not going to read the gameā€™ an issue of stylistic difference?

How the hell else is town supposed to find mafia if they donā€™t read anything?