Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins

It comes down to the design philosophy of the game.
Townsfolk are the most common, and so they have the most variation in how useful they can be. Compare how involved Alchemist feels compared to Chef.

Outsiders are more or less a second thought for the Storytellers, unfortunately, since they mostly just have effects rather than helping to solve the game like Puzzlemaster.

Minions are limited in number and their abilities need to counterbalance the good team enough to be worth getting rid of, rather than being as forgettable as evil Outsiders.

The Demon is stressful and all-impactful, even though most of their secondary abilities are kinda moderate.

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I haven’t.

ojo is def more fun in 1. smaller games where they need to pay more attention than just randomhunting if they want to hit in-play and 2. scripts that dont have obvious power roles like empath/ft/undertaker to get rid of first

The thing is there are roles that can turn people evil throughout the game. Mez is fine, it’s a minion. Cult leader, and Goon, and Bounty hunter to a certain extent though

Like, it certainly seems like being evil is supposed to be rewarding and being good is supposed to be “bad”

because in large games with obvious power roles you wanna kill first like lycan/bh your points are very true and outweigh the other stuff

I would argue in that case Ojo forcing you to script-build around a bunch of low power roles or risk having the high power roles be taken out for free is kinda iffy in a different way

The conversion counterbalances the Bounty Hunter’s ability, casts shade on the Cult Leader and acts as a reason to distrust the Goon as well as providing reasons for failed kills or abilities.

It’s still +1 evil, for cult leader specifically I heavily dislike it

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yeah cult leader sux

Cult leader is not an outsider and the justification for that is that it can win the game for good by calling for a cult, but the downside to this free win is that if they are evil you instantly lose

regardless of whether it helps good or not its literally not fun to cult win and its not fun to not cult win so its very moot
and i see lots of cult leaders not even try to help good and just lock themselves evil eraly and play goon

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If CL was an outsider maybe it wouldn’t be so annoying to me but the fact it’s a townsfolk that can just choose to side with evils from the get-go because they can be evil is just stupid to me.

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yeah the whole cult thing doesn’t justify it being townsfolk at all in my opinion. Nobody will ever go for it, even if they know the CL is good.

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yeah sure
ojo is situational, add it to the pile with shab/minstrel/professor/chambermaid/kingchoirboy and all the other situational roles

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Take Snake Charmer as a counterexample to your hypothesis that becoming evil is a “reward”.

I want an imp 2.0 that can go on most scripts just fine :sob:

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we had a tool for that
it was called no dashii

but yeah we have yet to have a non-situational actually good non-b3 demon

Oh yeah that’s another one. It’s absolutely a reward. You turn evil and become the demon, sure your entire new team is outed but like, If you ask most people they will consider snake charming the demon a good thing.

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