Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins


I’ll out my 1 shot day ability now too. It’s a one shot neighborizer that I intend to use today. I’m thinking of neighborizing someone not currently in the neighbor chat with someone in it.

someone you should vote with me that would be very cool of you

To further clarify what I can unlock:

  • A passive benefits good social deduction players (i.e. not for me, who relies on mech)
  • A useful but niche ability that is useless in F3 (also it is not announced in public, so this is rather “bastard-ey” IMO)
  • Glorified Fruit Vendor with an extra ability that will never trigger because my targets would never want it to trigger (Millium would’ve loved this role)
  • A useful ability… for the mafia :expressionless:

how do u turn off likes o

something to note is that by claiming you have a useless/weak role (and are presumably telling the truth) you are doing the wolves job of narrowing down the pool of people who are potentially strong town roles that they need to kill off

so please stop doing it, lol

Invite the innocent child

You’re welcome.

Yeah, because unless this game is bastard and I didn’t get any invites to mafia chat, then I’m just town.

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but what is the worth of a single town player, anyway?

Zone can have a slight townlean from me too.


Ah, so I’m not the only player with versatility.
Good to know.

an alt

omg alts suck

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so arctic can you decide whether i play like a normal person or no

i don’t think you meant to edit this post but just in case you did, please don’t do that lol

you aren’t supposed to edit posts except for grammar and stuff

So basically my ability is I press a button and I become an innocent child


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VOTE: Thunderstorm

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