Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

No I just think that Esk is annoying but blatent town so I don’t know how Kiiruma arrives at the read.

Leafia wants me to refute their 50 claims of “I wouldn’t do this as X guys!”

heah so its a bad read like terible

and his read on both of us is shiat

Disclaimer: I am not trying to improve– Never mind. I guess moving on from all my past games can be seen as improvement. Anyhow, I didn’t find you as town in Don’t Starve. Well, not only you. I found all but one as mafia, except I was then proven wrong. All I did at the end was not listen to myself and follow the instructions of the best reader of the game, shifting all responsibility and glory unto him.

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even if they are true, I won’t go though all your past games that would take years

Reading is fun, you should try it.


Someone need pressure, all you do is repeatably voting Leafia like a dead weight

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It wasn’t just straight up Naked though.

You either lack basic reading comprehension, haven’t read thread or my ISO despite saying you have, or you’re a wolf.

just say
:dizzy_face: wifom byebye

i dont care bruha

btw someone will never reciprocate to that pressure

I’ve read your ISO, because my friend please feel free to post about all of your ones to do with Bystander and we’ll see just how much more that fills up :D

What is the point of the post though. You can easily say that as wolf, you have literally shown that you have a past instance in when you said it, it does nothing to help you as villager. You’re the one who lacks basic reading comprehension blatently.

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can u read my iso too… omg we are so paired

like u could convince anyone of any other pairing

but me and luka is complete bullshit help

Nope, not what I’m saying. I’m saying that it wasn’t a naked vote, don’t try to bullshit your way out of this by redirecting.

I have given more reasoning just for my Arctic vote then you have for every single scum read you have made.
You do not get to say that is a Naked vote, fuck off with that.


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“Fairly” naked in comparison to your posts on Bystander
Maybe you’re the one who can’t read what I’m saying.

It seems you can’t do so.

wifom :unamused: :smirk: :drooling_face: :woozy_face: :dizzy_face: :face_with_spiral_eyes: :yawning_face: :yawning_face: :triumph: :poop: :clown_face: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :speak_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :genie: :genie: :surfing_man: