Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

omg ihysm

Oh. Yeah, that sounds about right. I love lying about my role whenever I’m mafia. Especially in closed rolemadness, since nobody can prove anything about my role. (Unless they are Role Cop, but Town Role Cops is never a thing.)

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i refuse
i REFUSE to the fact that you have me lower than these two
put me higher now

i posted (i think, i dont really remember that well luka gave me memory problesm uhhh)

that stands for i hate you so much vtw

bionic has been posting more and more lately trying to be calmer and more methodical which i greatly appreciate so i think ill have fun trying to read them here

jarek … i dunno how to read ive seen him wolf once and he fooled me

catbae we’ll see

esckanta will be interesting to read

Sorry but arctic has taken a rather casual approach to defending themselves from you and doesn’t really seem to care much if at all about the pressure you’re putting on them. They could just be chill, but I think a wolf would have a bit more of an aggro reaction to being pushed personally.

I missed you but you’re a T

With a decade long break.

And B12 plays a LOT of cool custom stuff, loads of bring your own roles, choose your own spheres… conversion’s common, all sorts of weird weird weird stuff. A recent game there, I could use an item twice, give it to someone, use another item twice, give it to someone else, and then force the two people to target each other, having to use those given items + any other items they had that were of a specific type, if they did, and force one of them to steal 2 items from the other target and give me those item at the end of the night, they’d be used even if stolen, before I get them.

So, I know some stuff, but it’s not your stuff, and I know nothing about how to use your forum, or your forum’s culture.

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I will not be lower than somebody who actively impeds all town discussion and somebody who has literally lied multiple times during this ISO alone as well as their reads making 0 godamned sense

lol you’re still hung up on this. i don’t really know what else you want me to say about this. i think the first time i did it i admit i was too eager to stop the you/bys stuff cuz i found it annoying/pointless but i shouldn’t have because there wasnt anything else to discuss at that point. i even said as such when i made the post but i went with it anyway

if you’re saying i did it again re: bys/esk/tutuu then. i mean i feel like that was pretty different. i just thought it was silly that people were acting like a “this player has not been towny” read is something that had to be justified. like how do you say that someone has not been towny? it’s a lack of a something. it wasn’t a wolfread - as bys has clarified - so my interpretation was correct. i just thought the expectations around it were kinda weird

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They literally making a post stating that they’re a wolf and nobodys going to believe me
I am going to cry (j)


You could easily be buddy buddy with Arctic they have defended you and that’s an early W/W pairing if so, but the defense has mostly been pointing out inconsistencies in an argument, so…

then joke becomes reality

I just felt like it wouldve been better to let the convo drift for bys and I think that you would ack that

Eh, valid but still wolfy
idk what I want you to say to it now tho

I’m not achnowledging it

i’ve got bad news

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Youre making me have an aneurism jarek

Read me coward

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Yeah! I didn’t understand what you said, and would like you to rephrase it.

I think you said, that the abilities you can unlock are more suited for those two other players, not in this game… and I don’t know who they are, how they play, why the powers would be more suited…

I think you’re trying to tell us something other than ‘wow, stuff Esk doesn’t understand at all’ and I’d like to understand, because it might be useful, helpful, whatever.