Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

Not known for being private yeah, I am not pushing Bionic either way.

Put two wolves in a hood with one town is ridiculous concept, despite being hypothetical possible.

Simply impossible however.

Why do I agree with you so much?

I think from a wolf leafia perspective they want a friend to stay in the game for longer and are taking the chance to blindly defend them to pocket them - but they also again just want their friend to survive a bit. They admit they’re a hellbusser but that doesn’t have to be true if not both of them are wolves


I just want to beat a DC15 minigame

Yeah shocking right? Funny if your ability is entirely depend on the dice to succeed or fail, you probably dont even need roleblockers that way

im kinda confused on how the rand works

was it like, first ur flavor, then ur alignemnt, and then ur role in terms of ur flavor and alignment?

Well if I knew peoples flavours I’d be able to tell you but if mine is anything to go by flavour is NAI

ok i read the sign up op and it says first u choose ur flavor, then the alingment is randed, and them the role is designed

so animal i guess isnt completely rand?

its not who is an animal but that animal was chosen to be the factor of a hood

Back to death you go.
VOTE: bystander

Right hear me out

VOTE: Leafia

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omgus king

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i would but idk if others are willing

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Unironically think this is a better exe then kiiruma ngl

that’s 3 people so far

can someone inform me of leafias meta

Vote and see if other people do, I see no issue


Oh yeah I forgot Someones ability info

eh I don’t give a fuck about that right now anyway