Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

Vote Count Setup


Yes my passive is that when I kill someone it’s announced that’s not faked as far as I know

no wolf NK either lol

VOTE: Thunderstorm

to justify why Someone was shot and why I didn’t vote them

I wanted to shoot them lol I didn’t want to vote them otherwise I’d have to hero shoot


Callrd it. I knew Someone was very unlikely to be town and it at least makes you look a lot better Jarek. Enough for me to consider you virtually confirmed town.

I think you’re town based on how they acted around your slot. they called you confirmed town and then voted you lol

I see no reason to hide, I’m a death JOAT

i came in here expecting to get tilted over the bystander yeet, which i maintain was dumb because that ttop poster wagon read is maybe one of the only truly reliable ones they had

Yes I think bystanders kill was poor but I didn’t want a tie. I maintain kiiruma would have been the best kill but I was 50/50 on bystander leaning towards them being town, but I maintained that I could be incorrect and wanted a main wagon for reference later.

it would have been hell getting that guy out even though it felt obvious to me so this was pretty good

gira is town, kiiruma should be town based on what someone’s claim reading transparently like an attempt to get them killed, zone i would want to call town because someone was trying to imply he was cc’ing, but he never actually went over to zone iirc. leafia was also pretty quick to call out someone and defend kiiruma

luka is probably just mafia? he said nothing about someone the entirety of yesterday

Please explain why you have an ability called Phantasmal Killer!


I dont talk about him due to personal issues
Didnt in TVM either

oh yeah, frost was on someone early too. i dunno if i’d clear him for this though because i never really understood his read

That’s my day roleblock that gives an omnimous message luka

I want to discredit myself a bit before someone else does


Hi all! Here’s my not adjusted for the N1 results in any way reads and comment:

Hey all. My battle theme, heck, just playin’ mafia themesong is

My reads have changed. These are not especially ordered, and I’m still time rushed but will for sure be back multiple times today.

Bionic shows a strong wincon interest since I was concerned about that, looks good and town to me now. My concern about dangerous playstyle is also resolved, currently fine for endgame too.

Arctic Stronger townlean now, is fine, worth helping.

Catbae Despite very few posts, I like them. Town lean, would not help as is.

Tutuu Gets more time. I expect awesome things from this one. Reasonable play as is, but would not help as is. Shows intense potential for day-game strength, I expect to start using it in nice big pro-town ways, I see small pro-town ways so far. Currently not welcome in endgame, should help solve this before then and if not, needs to go. There’s far scummier, and has earned time. #2437 “wait someone (the player) is playing in this game?” Gee, I guess I should point out the odds of you being scum with Someone is as unlikely stated here: #1110 “kiiruma and eskantra are blatantly not w/w due to eskanta not being aware of kiiruma’s presence in this game (or at least representing that, in an imo very believable way)”

– Despite having mentioned Someone in posts #781 and #1101, having called them ‘dunno how to read’ in one and in their lowest, I think sussy-est tier.

– Tutuu has earned my ‘biggest HUH?’ award this game. I hope I don’t have to take it away to give it to someone else. Still gets more time, still expect great stuff from. If this is a scum, they’re flying their flag high and proud, I hope they’re fancy-town at play, “I want to tell you… I am L” levels play.

– If we don’t see great stuff from this slot today… consider kill it if things are ALSO not going well without them doing great stuff. They showboating their skill, they better show they can use it for town, and I think they can. That’s deepwolf stuff though, and we have scummier

Someone 60% chance Someone is town, but also throws huge lost wolf/maf ally flags, which Kii appears to possibly answer in #3121, very close to day end and while Someone’s on his wagon. The entire group is discussing shifting to Leafia though, and many shifts happen, helping save Kii. Totally not clear that Someone caught what I suspect is Kii’s begging offer and no evidnece that might be why Someone shifted. I absolutely want Kii flipped before Someone, and I don’t know that I want Someone flipped, I can see town here, that I’d never allow in endgame if I could prevent. Not helping this one, except with advice.

Advice to Someone in spoiler, worth reading for others if interested.

3056 So, Someone. There are 50 minutes left in the day, and you say “Unironically think this is a better exe then kiiruma ngl” you’re answering Jarek about voting for Leafia. saying this while still voting for kiiruma. The reason you give when asked why: “If kiiruma is evil, im gonna die tonight, if kiiruma is good, im getting misexed”.

I want you to try and remember what I’m about to tell you. This is like a bible of how to play mafia. Play for your wincon, as best you can.

If you’re town, you don’t need to be alive to win. If this game has death mechanics, which is claimed by multiple players, you may not even have to be alive to continue to play. I’ve been in games where the dead can come back into play, alive again even. And I’ve been in a game where the dead could be given powers to use themselves as they choose. I’ve heard about games where the dead can vote, as a group.

The best way to get your own team to not kill you is to allow them to recognize what you want, what you’re working towards. Currently, you are working towards yourself not dead. That’s the only thing I can tell you care about.

Other players only care about your survival if it helps their wincon. Very few other players are going to have a wincon “Keep Someone alive”. There can be wincons like that in some games, but generally you need to help town win, or seem to, in a believable and reasonable way. You make over 400 posts D1, and so many of them don’t help gather evidence. A few state things about yourself, which can be useful. I loved your sharing your passive info, “I start knowing that some evil players want to be visited by good players” That’s decently townie, but it’s also very fakeable. You overshared, giving its name, and that’s an interesting name. The name sharing’s more dangerous, in at least some maf games. Overall I believe you, and I also believe you’re town this game, about 60% confidence.

But you’re such a weak townie, I’m not sure we can win together (but I’ll do my darnedest to be here to win with you). You need to play for a town wingame, or really all you’re succeeding at is trying not to be the first town to die - but you and your team still likely lose. Yuck, let’s win together, no matter who dies.

You’ve said: “I have died for the team so many times” Great, that’s over. Now start living for your team. If you’re town, I don’t want you dead, but I need you to help us win. Care about discussing things that help us understand what people think, why they think it. Care about who is what role. Start having and sharing thoughts about other people, what they are trying to do and why they’re trying to do it.

Then again, “and I think that he realizes i am real, which he would just ignore if he was evil” “I honestly dont know if evil would be that blatant, but then again they wouldnt know” Maf ally screaming ‘I’m here, come get me back’ I dunno. Someone, this is why you need to play towards your wincon; if you have been, good job, keep doing it.

Zone_Q11. So, this slot hard to read. Gets a something including a song from Kii, after being this blatant in #1560, #1575, #1645, #1907 “Green witch meantime” “–@Kiiruma, have fun breadcrumb hunting. I expect you to answer before D1 ends.” “Cool. Don’t forget to answer my hidden question, okay?” “If it involves a song, then I have received it.” Wolves can play at needing the thread to communicate, but there’s maf ally, lost wolves, perhaps a survivor that wants to win with wolves.

– But Zone wants Leaf alive, wants Bys dead over Kii, don’t want dead first but totally okay with this slot dead as a doornail. My mind can change, I need to see hecka ‘oh this makes sense for a town wincon’; the lack of that is the oomph on yeetyeah! Solid anti-town lean. This player ain’t lazy, they ain’t playin’ for town and working hard at that.

Jarek Null/towards Scumlean, you scary slot! #2405. Kii is high even before confirmation BS goes anywhere what they why? At the time you say they’re town for that what the what reason, you’re actively voting them! You talk about “Catbae is voting Someone though, so that reads a bit fucked. But it’s still the general vibe. It doesn’t feel real, Someone isn’t really being pushed that hard despite the capability to do so. It’s just theatre! NO cap!!!” you don’t vote either, your vote’s still on a ‘town in your eyes’ slot. “I’m honestly too lazy to unvote. I’m rectroactively bumping them down from a townread to a potential null read because confirmation BS isn’t everything and doesn’t mean anything until it’s proven. It could be a ploy to buy time.” Such filth. You’re not playing for a town win. But you gotta look like it, you move to vote Cat, then you leap to vote a top town read of yours, Frost, after saying they were NAI for whatever you’re reacting to. Then you jump to Kii “I’ve found a quick way to confirm you!” You then pop back to Frostwolf, no reasons given for why they’re not a high town pick in your eyes. #2237 to Kii looks gross, “It’s pretty obvious in hindsight. Especially asking for no cop checks. If I’m a wolf and I put 2 and 2 together and claim tracker you’re pocketed and will be backing me up for confirming you easily.” Social manipulation galore, no consistency, doesn’t believe own reads. Vote change to Someone, then to Kii with “Me likey”, then leaf/kii/by. Then “Fck” before day end.

Kiiruma My most certain of scum. blockquote of raw thoughts about this and interactions, notes made during reading.

Zone: Ah, I see. Well, yeah. I can confirm you gave me a song. Miller Gravedigger is… unusual, but I can believe you’re town.
My claim got outed more because I wanted to confirm myself. My passive is that of a miller and I also get seen visiting the mafia factional kill. I’d planned on being roleblocked and tracked to try and help confirm me.
I start off with negative passive (Confirmable?), NAI Day Ability (Confirmable but not alignment wise), Night Ability 1 (Technically confirmable and strong-ish but requires trust and also for us to be at a certain point in the game) and Night Ability 2 (Confirmable but not alignment wise)
I am good.
Register as evil
And have no benefit for players visiting me except potential confirmation and night ability 1.
Literally all that needs to happen is for me to be roleblocked and for a tracker to pick me and I’ll be proven.

I HATE THIS. Can a NK be unblockable? I’ve seen that in other games.

Can a wolf team have a person claim to be blocker, and just not roleblock, while a tracker tracks to the NK, or opposite?

It’s rolefishy as anything, it’s got more holes than swiss cheese, and I hate Leafia for supporting it, and for saying “I highly doubt that’s the only part to it Someone. You’re sounding like a wolf that doesn’t want to give a villager the chance to prove themselves right now. We lose nothing by giving Kiiruma that chance.” I cannot voice how wrongthinking and false that sounds to me. It also may be affected by redirects and all kinds of other stuff. It ties up a lot of presumably town actions, ensuring other actions/targets don’t happen instead.

I also hate the emphasis to try to be confirmed D1 in a way that locks up 2+ presumably town slots and can be circumvented and not prove anything in multiple ways.

I super hate Kiiruma saying “Yeah wolves are happy with the current wagons.” #3098 when Kii and By are the top wagons and Kii is voting By and Does Not Change Votes. yeah, the wolf’s happy with the wagons. Flipping A Kii. I do not believe you as town would think that, say that, and not work to find and fix the problem, instead of continuing to push that wagon ‘the wolves are happy with’.

I’m not done hunting (and as I think, town hunts, maf harvests; town has to find maf, maf just picks up the pieces), and I’m more sure of Kii than Leaf, but man, Leaf, wow bad wow bad your town is not showing.

And how does Leaf handle this? #3099, vote Bystander, “Let’s make them unhappy then and deny them the Kiiruma misexe they want so badly.” Lies upon lies; if the wagons are bad, get off both wagons. No attempt, this is wolf manipulation, kill them; they can claim the other wagon’s also what wolves wanted, can’t let Kii die too. Need to deep read Leaf to eval this better, no more time.

I haven’t had time for reading more. I have to be busy again. At a guess by other reads my feel is Leaf may not be scum but darn useful to them and a saving-throw ml opportunity too; once I catch up on the read I’ll discuss what I think then. Thunder’s also not a revisited read yet.

Now that I see flip, well done, Jarek!

I have to be gone for more, but back in a few hours.

that does not sound like a day roleblock lmao