Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

Could have been informed yeah.

Reason has come to me to believe that you’re lying Luka. VOTE: Thunderstorm

Specifically the fact that Luka never actually achnowledged Someones existence sticks out to me despite how uh…well, loud they were?

Hey, is your vote specifically because you stopped someone, and the kill didn’t happen?

Or is there more?

I’m aware there could be protection, other roleblocks, maybe other stuff that might have eaten a kill, so I’m wondering what level of certainty we have on Tutuu being a good vote.

Meh, I rescind
Dunno what Arctic is doign if theyre v still though

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Was the role claim still a lie?



the fuck do you mean what am i doing if i’m v

i was pushing a wolf on day 1

you need to take a step back and realize it’s not unreasonable to suspect you this game

find me a wolf and we can talk

Alright fair enough I apologise for bringing this particualr point up.

I did

Do still think you’re very evil with Someone but that’s personally just me. You can prove me wrong

I chose a player.
And a second player.
I prevent player 1 from visiting player 2.

I chose to prevent Tutuu from visiting Arctic.

Zone did that in a really crazy way, after mentioning Someone twice, and after really posting strongly about how I didn’t read wolf!kiiruma as a player in the thread, I must not be scum with kii, himself then more than 1000 posts later says they didn’t even notice Someone was in the thread, how’d they get here.

Showboating, I dunno, it’s weird.

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my character flavor is halsin he’s a wood elf arch druid

Someone had an opportunjstic vote on me sod1 and i changed votes second half of the day when someone/kiiruma were ties 4-4 causing someone to be top wago and voting a canity wagon
im not wolf and i dotn get how you ever see that

oh likes are back yay

Yeah I feel like if anything the wolves were largely down to ignore Someones existence. That’s how it feels. If it’s 3 wolves you don’t want to kill one of your partners on D1 so easily and the other wagons they were much more comfortable with.

L-2 on Luka

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VOTE: Zone