Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

im in agreement

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Oh, Jarek is confirmed good. Because no way mafia would kill one another unless crazy mech (e.g. Yakuza) is involved.

Leafia is unconfirmed good because Someone ended his vote on her.

I am unconfirmed good because Someone went at me for my role. (He compared mine to his, and claimed he had a nerfed version of my role, which is BS because his role involves dead players whereas mine naturally unlocks as more dead townies start piling up.)

(…hey wait a minute. Whoever complained about having 2~3 abilities better not be Someone, because this guy technically has six of 'em.)

Oh, and if Arctic wants to get rid of me today, that’s fair because I didn’t do my job at N1. (I didn’t backread and make reads.)

Also, considering a mafia died N1 and not a town, I am effectively still useless unless we get another ML today. (bystander’s death was very unfortunate, but I have no regrets voting her. Heck, I wasn’t even online at EOD1’s final 5 minutes. I got distracted by another game.)

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…the irony is that you literally killed “Someone” lmao.

*reads this*
Not sure why you would discredit yourself, but I CBA to not use Occam’s Razor to put you as locktown.

To be more specific, the thing I got is the song. It’s like Fruit Vendor, but then a song with a literal link to a YT video instead of a fruit.

… Are you saying you’d rather die that do that? You got all day too, it’s longer than night!

Hm… No.

VOTE: Thunderstorm

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Oh, I will make reads. I’m just saying that if he wants me dead because I didn’t do my job, then that is fair.

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Eh. FWIW I can at least state that my Evocation spell neither kills nor heals, though it is related to those fields.

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I hate this. It feels like total manipulation and bargaining. You’re trying to lead and control, and also ‘create the deal’ that as long as you make reads, ‘you’ve done your job’ and the only reason to kill you is ‘you didn’t do your job’.

Buddy, you got a wincon to play to. Who cares if you live or die?

Phaa, this filth:

“bystander’s death was very unfortunate, but I have no regrets voting her. Heck, I wasn’t even online at EOD1’s final 5 minutes. I got distracted by another game.”

I mean, Bystander’s guilt is clear, they bloody risked your life! No wonder you say what you say.

If you are pro-town, it better start showing.

Mine doesn’t. Guess which one of my four locked abilities is my Evocation spell. (T-T)

I wanna be clear here. I see discussable evidence in thread that looks like people are talking about stuff that is of concern, and not necessarily 3P concern.

That there’s possibly a 3P that cannot be discussed, that may be something totally different than what’s sitting in the thread and can be discussed.

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I am kind of notorious for being anti-town in general, and I do apologize you had to encounter me. FWIW I didn’t intend to manipulate anything. What you described is simply how I play the game. “Make reads = Towny. Do nothing = Scummy.” It’s not that deep of a thought.


right, yeah

Sweet! Then, if you haven’t made reads, you’re scummy? And you think you should live and unlock stuff?

Wow, omgus. If you’re town I need your help. If you’re not, keep doin’ what you’re doin’, you’re doing great!

Wdym? He’s my top town so far.

That is how I would describe myself, yes.

How may I help you?

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*squints eyes*

Yeah, that’s weird indeed.
Could you quote the posts where I said that?
(I genuinely don’t remember.)

It wasn’t a CFD. Bystander was one of the largest wagons near EoD. There was an attempted CFD to get me exed though.

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Which interaction? :sandwich: