Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

Me v Someone D1.
Arctic pointed it out themselves.

Hey I got a ball.

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(Oh yeah. That did happen… Wait, did it? I don’t remember…)
What was the thing with you and Someone again?

Please explain how Someone knew you had recieved a key.

So? What’s your point?

I’ve gotten better in regards to that or at least I like to think so and you act like I had no reason to suspect Someone of being a wolf.

Voting me based on having an incorrect vote on a prior day isn’t a good idea.

Kindly point this out?

Dude what the fuck LOL

Somebody stole the right to use my vote last night

How is this not insanely broken?


I was just told it was taken

Maybe its not permanent

Maybe its 2 wolves

Maybe its a 3p

This is so wild though lmao. But i guess we have strong roles too so maybe its balanced. If everyone has a broken role nobody has a broken role

I cant control my vote, like i cant vote

The person who took it can make me privately vote for whoever they want. Including myself

It will appear on votecounts even without me voting. And without them writing anything publicly. So like it will be mechanically confirmed it was stolen once they do it

I would like to speak to the CEO of the FoL Reviewer Team

Maybe that was anti claim? Or like a 3p

If this is a mafia role its lowkey conversion

Someone pushed against me due to their ‘mechanics’ which ‘they learned’ and were directly against me
“Evil players want to be visited by many players” or something like that after I’d asked to be visited.

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Frost let us know that Someone somehow knew that you had recieved a key from him in our Animal speaker neighborhood.

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Depending on how the item works that’s not exactly unlikely, IE: a mafia role could be informed of who has what items, or when an item transfers. Beyond that it’s needless role speculation that can possibly kill town members, much like myself. The question I propose to both you and Frost is what evidence is their that Someone* knew of the item that I was given?

Willing to say that Someone wolf spews you as having a very high chance of being town.

I’m not sure I buy that and ask Frost about it, not me.

Going to call it a night now too so good night. :sleepingleafeon: