Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

But no, I am not going to disclosue what the key does, no sir.

lynch this tbh, saw them using an evocation spell

hmm do i hammer before going to sleep



VOTE: Tutuu

Well this is neutral or worse so no reason not to

wait i am a fool this is 5 to lynch in 50%+1


I am here if you need me to hammer, it’s kinda ridiculous but what really is there to discuss?

i was about to come back to leave my vote

i guess we just hammer


VOTE: Tutuu

Your honors

VOTE: Tutuu

@LadyGaga Hammer

Day 4 Votecount

tutuu (5): Zone_Q11, Jarek, Leafia, Frostwolf103, Bionic
Jarek (1): Kiiruma

Not Voting (2): catbae, tutuu

Hammer has been reached.

@tutuu has been executed. They were…

You are...

Mizora, Cambion of Zariel

Passive: Patrimony

“I’ve always been the giving type, after all.”

Your patrimony includes any rights of ownership and obligations you have. Every player’s patrimony includes the right to use their abilities, to vote any living player, to count toward parity, to have access to their rolecard etc.

  • Any ability blockquoted is included in your patrimony.
  • Players have a right to automatic extinction of their all of their obligations upon death, and to designate a player to hold a right to their inherit their rights they acquired via bargaining when they die.
  • Obligations may be voluntarily extinguished alongside the right which created them if the player holding the right agrees to do so. If an obligation is extinguished, and the right which created no longer has purpose, that right is also extinguished.
  • Certain rights cannot be used by any other player than the original player who held the right. If another player receives one of these rights, it merely disables it for the original player who held it (until they receive it again).

Individual players of course have rights exclusive to them by status which grants them other rights. For example, your status as a groupscum gives you the right to scumchat and to vote in the mafia factional kill. You could sell your right to scumchat, but I urge you to please consider the consequences if a town player with their right to communicate, vote etc. has this right…

Passive: Zariel’s Protection

“Savour her company. Who’s to say when Zariel might change her mind?”

Zariel protects you from dying during the night. Once.

Day Action: Infernal Contract

“Ignorant thing. It’s always the terms and conditions that get you.”

During the day, you may offer to bargain with a player to exchange rights and obligations. You may bargain with players using these rights fully or partially - full right exchanges grant absolute power over the right, whereas partial exchanges grant conditional power over the right. Of course, any ambiguity in bargains will always be interpreted where possible to benefit you, including in the form of clauses. Breaching obligations is a breach of game rules, and is not permitted. Something bad may happen to anyone who breaches their obligations. If the target does not respond by the end of the day, nothing happens. Any bargains made with Absolutists are reversed upon their death, regardless of the terms. Members of the Party are obligated from being unable to claim to have bargained, regardless of their response to the contract.

Depending on the terms of the contract, rights and/or obligations are destroyed, created or altered. Wording is very important. For example, think about how the following contracts are very different:

“The bargainer agrees to not vote the bargainee. The bargainee agrees to not vote the bargainer.”
“Mizora agrees to not vote the bargainee. The bargainee agrees to not vote Mizora.”
These two are distinct because the right becomes tied to who is “Mizora” rather than the player (you) who made the bargain.

Passive: Wyll’s Pact

“If it isn’t little Wyll, straight to his handler… and I didn’t even have to whistle.”

You share a neighborhood with Wyll, The Blade of Frontiers. If Wyll votes for you, you may choose to immediately kill him (possibly post-death), bypassing everything. Wyll loses his demonic powers if you die regardless. He is aware of this.

Passive: True Strike (Divination)

“You haven’t introduced me to your friend? Where are your manners?”

Investigative abilities on you do not receive false feedback.

Day Ability: Fly (Transmutation) (1-use)

“Think I’ll nip out for a bit. Stretch my wings.”

During the day, you may for today decide to become untargetable by any day abilities.

Night Ability: Guidance (Divination) (2-uses)

“But I do enjoy a game of cat and mouse.”

Each night, you may target a player. Learn if they are Mizora.

Night Ability: Hellish Rebuke (Evocation) (2-uses)

“Kill me? I wouldn’t recommend it.”

Each night, you may target a player. If they are performing the mafia factional kill on you, kill them.

Night Ability: Enlarge - Reduce (Transmutation) (2-uses)

“Have those biceps of yours gotten even bigger?”

Each night, you may choose to roleblock that player tonight.

Defeat the Party and any other opponents who threaten you.

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As all Absolutists have been eliminated, and there are no third parties, the Party are victorious. Congratulations:


As Eskcanta’s modkill resulted from a breach of an obligation which is a result-based rulebreak, rather than an intent one, Eskcanta will still be victorious despite having been modkilled. The following post breached their obligation imposed on them by Mizora, Cambion of Zariel (@tutuu):

I would have to emphasize that this player comes from another site who typically do not implement post restrictions or frequently use the word ‘paraphrasing’ in rules, so encourage you to be particularly lenient on their culpability for their modkill. To reflect this, the kill announcement and OP will be updated to have been killed for ‘breaching their obligation’ imposed by Mizora.

Thanks to everyone who participated. Here is everyone’s rolecards:

Someone - Absolutist He Who Was, Spirit Torturer

He Who Was, Spirit Torturer

Absolutist Medium

Guidance (Passive, N0) - You start knowing secret mechanical knowledge.

Speak With Dead (Day, 3-Shot, Necromancy) - Choose a dead player and ask a question to the hosts. The hosts will answer your question at the start of the night, but only to the knowledge of your chosen dead player at the time of their death. You cannot choose the same corpse twice through this ability.
For example, if you choose a dead cop and ask the hosts, “Who did they check?” then you will be told who they checked. However, if you asked “Did this cop receive accurate information?” then you will be told “Yes” regardless of whether or not they actually did, and if you asked something they could not have known, then you will be told “I don’t know.”

Book of Deeds (Night, Necromancy) - Choose a dead player. You will learn who they visited on the night of their death. If it was you, you receive a random Divine Magic scroll that you can use on any future night. All of them are 1 shot, and are as follows.

Command (Night) - Redirect target player to a second target. This does not redirect kills.
Detect Good & Evil (Night) - Learn target player’s role.
Freedom of Movement (Night) - All other visits to target player are prevented.

Jarek - Party Dark Urge

The Dark Urge, Known Killer

Party Death JOAT

Known Killer (Passive) - If you kill or poison a player by any means, it will be publicly known that you killed them when they die.

Death’s Kiss (Night, 1-Shot, Transmutation) - Poison target player. They will die at the end of the day tomorrow. This is publicly announced.
Magic Missile (Night, 1-Shot, Evocation) - Kill target player.

Frostwolf103 - Party Blue Jay
You are...

Topaz Blue Jay

Passive: Animal Speaking

You are able to speak to other animals.

You share a neighborhood with other players who have this passive.

Passive: Guardian of the Key

You watch over a very shiny key.

So long as you hold the shiny key, you cannot use Fly and Follow. The shiny key is giftable as a free action until the last hour of the day, three times per day.

Day Ability: Fly (Transmutation) (1-use)

Take off!

During the day, you may for today decide to become untargetable by any day abilities.

Night Ability: Telekinesis (Transmutation)

Finders keepers.

During the night, you may choose to visit the player with the key and steal it back.

Night Ability: Follow (3-use)

Take off!

Learn who the player holding the shiny key visited tonight.

Defeat all threats to the Party.

catbae - Party Withers

Withers, Scribe of the Dead

Party Final Scribe

Cryptic Question (Passive) - At the start of the game, answer the following question: “What is the worth of a single Town player?” You cannot claim what your answer was, but you can ask people the question and provide feedback on their answer. When a Party member dies at night, before they go to dead chat, they are asked that question. You learn how close their answer is to yours, on a scale of 1 to 5. That number is added to your Wither Counter. You gain power depending on the value of your Wither Counter. You may use all of your abilities each night if their conditions are met.

Bless (Night, 1-shot Enchantment) - Prevent target player from dying tonight. Only usable if your Wither Counter is at 3 or more.
Bane (Night, 1-shot Enchantment) - Roleblock target player. Only usable if your Wither Counter is at 7 or more.
Banish (Night, 1-shot Abjuration) - Roleblock and prevent target player from dying tonight. Only usable if your Wither Counter is at 11 or more.

Leafia - Party Tara, Gale's Tressym
You are...

Tara, Gale’s Tressym

Passive: Animal Speaking

You are able to speak to other animals.

You share a neighborhood with other players who have this passive.

Passive: Fish

You have a very, very, VERY tasty fish.

Due to your cat-like nature, you refuse to part with your fish voluntarily. Your obsession with this fish has gotten so great that despite it being a very, very, VERY tasty fish you refuse to eat it. It has become your beloved friend. It is kept in a very secure container within the animal speaking neighborhood chat. The fish may randomly flop. If anyone steals the fish, they must die for you to gain it back. Players must roll a DC 15 dexterity check to steal the fish. The fish requires feeding every day. You may feed the fish by doing /feed in the neighborhood chat. If the fish is outside of its tank for a cycle, it dies. You should be very sad if it dies. You will receive daily updates on the fish. An epilogue at the end of the game will be made regarding the fish.

Day Ability: Animal Friendship (1-shot)

Friends forever- or rather, until death. Or until the spell ends.

During the day, you may target two players: they may communicate tonight.

Night Ability: Send Letter (2-shot)

You are quick enough to send letters hastily.

During the night, you may target a player: send them a 1000-character message.

Defeat all threats to the Party.

bystander - Party Owlbear Cub
You are...

Owlbear Cub


Passive: Growing Up

Sits waiting.

You unlock your abilities as time passes.

Passive (Day 2>): Animal Speaking

You are able to speak to other animals.

You share a neighborhood with other players who have this passive.

Passive (Day 3>): Owlbear Feather

A tickly owlbear feather.

You hold a tickly owlbear feather. The feather is giftable as a free action at any time until the last hour of the day, three times per day. If the person who holds the tickly feather dies during the night, their killer is roleblocked the next night.

Night Ability (Night 2-3): Hide (1 use)

Small and agile, your current form is ideal for hiding.

Target a player to prevent anyone from visiting you, but you die if your target dies.

Day Ability (Night 4>): Protect (1 use)

Large and lethargic, your current form is ideal for hiding behind.

During the day, you may offer protection to another player. They may choose to hide behind you tonight, protecting them from death but killing them if you die as well.

Defeat all threats to the Party.

Arctic - Party Scelaritas Fel

Sceleritas Fel, Death’s Welcome Mat

Party Bulletproof

Death’s Loving Embrace (Passive) - You are favored. The first time you would die at night, you do not.

Butler (Night. 1-Shot, Conjuration) - Grant target player the following passive:

Deathstalker Mantle (Passive) - Your abilities do not count as visits, unless you are killing someone. If you successfully kill someone, they will be added to a neighborhood with you tommorow.

Thunderstorm - Absolutist Wyll, Blade of Frontiers
You are...

Wyll, Blade of Frontiers


Passive: Wyll’s Pact

“If it isn’t little Wyll, straight to his handler… and I didn’t even have to whistle.”

You share a neighborhood with Mizora, Cambion of Zariel. If you vote for her, she may immediately kill you, bypassing everything. You lose your demonic powers if she dies.

Passive: Pact of the Blade

“Provoke the blade and suffer its sting”

Once per game, if a player has claimed any of their abilities, you may decide to have the mafia factional kill bypass any protections on them tonight.

Night Ability: Scrying (Divination) (2-shot)

See and hear beyond barriers.

During the night, you may target a player. Learn their rolecard tonight.

Night Ability: False Life (Necromancy) (2-shot)

Wicked necromancy.

During the night, you may decide to target a player including yourself. If they die within the next cycle they do not enter dead chat for and are allowed to remain in any chats they were in prior to dying for one phase, excluding main thread.

Defeat the Party and any other opponents who threaten you.

Kiiruma - Party Qudenos
You are...

Qudenos, Master of Flames, Splitter of Skies

Passive: Hshar’lak

Mha stil’na forjun inyeri

You appear as an Absolutist to investigators, and appear to visit the Absolutist factional kill.

Day Ability: Bardic Inspiration (2-shot)

Of Divinity and Sin intensifies

During the day, you may target a player and send them any song on YouTube that you would like.

Night Ability: Song of Rest (1-shot)

“Down, down, down by the river…”

During the night, you may write a song. The song must rhyme and will be posted at day start (max 4 stanzas). Additionally, all who visit you tonight are healed.

Night Ability: Wall of Fire (Evocation) (2-shot)

Hey… wasn’t this ability in the hit game Throne of Lies®: Medieval Politics?

During the night, choose two players: the first player is prevented from visiting the second.

Defeat all threats to the Party.

tutuu - Absolutist Mizora, Cambion of Zariel
You are...

Mizora, Cambion of Zariel

Passive: Patrimony

“I’ve always been the giving type, after all.”

Your patrimony includes any rights of ownership and obligations you have. Every player’s patrimony includes the right to use their abilities, to vote any living player, to count toward parity, to have access to their rolecard etc.

  • Any ability blockquoted is included in your patrimony.
  • Players have a right to automatic extinction of their all of their obligations upon death, and to designate a player to hold a right to their inherit their rights they acquired via bargaining when they die.
  • Obligations may be voluntarily extinguished alongside the right which created them if the player holding the right agrees to do so. If an obligation is extinguished, and the right which created no longer has purpose, that right is also extinguished.
  • Certain rights cannot be used by any other player than the original player who held the right. If another player receives one of these rights, it merely disables it for the original player who held it (until they receive it again).

Individual players of course have rights exclusive to them by status which grants them other rights. For example, your status as a groupscum gives you the right to scumchat and to vote in the mafia factional kill. You could sell your right to scumchat, but I urge you to please consider the consequences if a town player with their right to communicate, vote etc. has this right…

Passive: Zariel’s Protection

“Savour her company. Who’s to say when Zariel might change her mind?”

Zariel protects you from dying during the night. Once.

Day Action: Infernal Contract

“Ignorant thing. It’s always the terms and conditions that get you.”

During the day, you may offer to bargain with a player to exchange rights and obligations. You may bargain with players using these rights fully or partially - full right exchanges grant absolute power over the right, whereas partial exchanges grant conditional power over the right. Of course, any ambiguity in bargains will always be interpreted where possible to benefit you, including in the form of clauses. Breaching obligations is a breach of game rules, and is not permitted. Something bad may happen to anyone who breaches their obligations. If the target does not respond by the end of the day, nothing happens. Any bargains made with Absolutists are reversed upon their death, regardless of the terms. Members of the Party are obligated from being unable to claim to have bargained, regardless of their response to the contract.

Depending on the terms of the contract, rights and/or obligations are destroyed, created or altered. Wording is very important. For example, think about how the following contracts are very different:

“The bargainer agrees to not vote the bargainee. The bargainee agrees to not vote the bargainer.”
“Mizora agrees to not vote the bargainee. The bargainee agrees to not vote Mizora.”
These two are distinct because the right becomes tied to who is “Mizora” rather than the player (you) who made the bargain.

Passive: Wyll’s Pact

“If it isn’t little Wyll, straight to his handler… and I didn’t even have to whistle.”

You share a neighborhood with Wyll, The Blade of Frontiers. If Wyll votes for you, you may choose to immediately kill him (possibly post-death), bypassing everything. Wyll loses his demonic powers if you die regardless. He is aware of this.

Passive: True Strike (Divination)

“You haven’t introduced me to your friend? Where are your manners?”

Investigative abilities on you do not receive false feedback.

Day Ability: Fly (Transmutation) (1-use)

“Think I’ll nip out for a bit. Stretch my wings.”

During the day, you may for today decide to become untargetable by any day abilities.

Night Ability: Guidance (Divination) (2-uses)

“But I do enjoy a game of cat and mouse.”

Each night, you may target a player. Learn if they are Mizora.

Night Ability: Hellish Rebuke (Evocation) (2-uses)

“Kill me? I wouldn’t recommend it.”

Each night, you may target a player. If they are performing the mafia factional kill on you, kill them.

Night Ability: Enlarge - Reduce (Transmutation) (2-uses)

“Have those biceps of yours gotten even bigger?”

Each night, you may choose to roleblock that player tonight.

Defeat the Party and any other opponents who threaten you.

Eskcanta - Party Mask of Servitude

Mask of Servitude

Party Support Support

Lost Flock (Passive) - Auntie Ethel welcomes you to the flock, dearie.

Boon of Servitude (Night, Illusion) - Target a player. If they do any of the following types of actions tonight, you will grant them a silent extra vote on one day phase, usable at any time. They are told they have an extra vote, but not who gave it to them or where it came from. All extra votes vanish in XyLo and this ability is locked in XyLo.

Protection of any kind
Binary investigation that returns positive
Item pass within the last cycle

Zone_Q11 - Party Shadowheart
You are...

Shadowheart, Disciple of Shar

Passive: Worshipper of Shar

“We’re in this together, but I’ll happily go it alone. My faith will keep me company.”

You are devoted to Shar, Mistress of the Night and Lady of Loss. Passives that are currently inactive begin locked (doublequoted). For every two dead, uncleaned Party member, you may choose to unlock an ability or passive at any time.

Passive: Memories Lost

“I’m not going to last much longer…”

Any attempt to kill you other than the execution is guaranteed to succeed and will instead cause your inevitable death on the next cycle.

Day Ability: Shield of Faith (Abjuration) (1-shot)

“My faith protects me.”

During the day, you may choose a player (including yourself): they cannot die by majority vote today, unless there are exactly three players remaining.

Night Ability: Dark Lady’s Condemnation (2-shot)

“They were arrogant enough to try and withstand Lady Shar’s power. This was always going to be the end result.”

During the night, you may target two players. Notify the both players that the first has been marked for execution. If the first player is executed, and the second player was not voting for them, they must select an ability to lose a usage of.

Night Ability: Darkness (Evocation) (2-shot)

“Sigils… attempts to restrain Lady Shar’s power, perhaps. Failed attempts.”

During the night, you may target a player. Any attempt to kill them tonight will be guaranteed to succeed.

Defeat all threats to the Party.

Bionic - Party Scratch
You are...


Passive: Animal Speaking

You are able to speak to other animals.

You share a neighborhood with other players who have this passive.

Passive: Ball

Looks expectingly.

You hold a ball. The ball is giftable as a free action until the last hour of the day, three times per day. Whoever holds the ball is forced to visit you during the night.

Day Ability: Phantasmal Killer (Illusion) (2-uses)

You have absolutely no idea how, but you’ve managed to observe your master enough to learn Phantasmal Killer. So ideal.

During the day, you may target a player. They are roleblocked for the day and are also sent very ominous messages.

Night Ability: Sniff Magic (3-uses)

Your refined nose allows you to detect magic.

During the night, you may target a player and choose to learn either what school of magic (abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy or transmutation) the spell was from or when they used it.

Defeat all threats to the Party.



Pure Neighborhood lets goooo!