Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

The blue jay is what I imagine what will happen, a investigative role and decent chance of hood

I didnt expect the key as enabler, but I work around this okay.

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People think I use my abilities well in these games?


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Eliza immediately designed Durge & Scelaritas Fel, and a scum investigative, so I was working with a very low power town afterwords. The key was my way of giving you a tracker role while accomodating with town’s power budget already having been spent.

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I need to rand wolf more often I get town too mcuh


Me this game:
Was on Luka’s ass for the game.
Was content on Someone being ok but changed mind due to them clearly just trying to screw me :stuck_out_tongue:
Was semi-pocketed by Tutuu but PoE was mostly because of trusting the hood.

My actions were… useless though. 100% lol.

fwiw I did not intend for your actions to get value out of stopping a kill this game except maybe your 1-shot reflexive doctor
even though you didn’t stop the kill, I think its commendable you managed to select the assigned killer and their target. I did not plan for that - or rather, I did, but if you had managed to do that I was fine with your ability getting more value than was intended for your power budget.

Picking the actual dragon was a based choice I didn’t think about


My character was cool!
The whole super miller thing I felt could be used for confirmation and I tried to do it that way but people weren’t exactly too happy with me :stuck_out_tongue:

But I think that it seemed nicely balanced with the fact that I could just OPG make no deaths happen.

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I’m also glad to see absolutely nobody picked a gith because they are bad and ugly


I picked the durge and Jaheira as a backup both of those characters are neat for different reasons

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I felt as though giving a miller to a reflexive doctor would’ve been funny. So I did it.

“I thought it was funny so I did it” - my design philosophy 101


Missed the chance to get a yellow/red/blue/whatever goo passive by picking that slime thing though you guys would totally have given me that

Three people picked Jaheira! Nobody was her in the end though.

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But none of us are jaheira :sob:

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How many picked the durge

Only you.

People have no taste

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We had no duplicates, except for second choices. I think three people picked Jaheira as their 2nd choice.


Ty ty.
I mean look I’m a furry and dragons/dragonlings are cool especially Qudenos and Quil (My 2nd choice)
So of course I’m gonna go there~