Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

@Thunderstorm - talk to me about this? What do you see as similar?

In the context of all mafia games, not real life lmao

His reasonings feel scuffed to an extreme degree
IE: The firebrand thing

  • not reading & kust sheeping

i’ve seen esk in roughly a handful of games on MU, certainly not enough to claim sup strong meta on her or anything but my read there was she made a super earnest townie post and i have seen no reason to doubt it since. that is an archetype of player i tend to be biased toward townreading but i’m not going to second-guess every passing thought i have on day 1

day 1 of mafia game and my sleep schedule is already gone


Eep. Well, I need about an hour break myself.

I’m sure we’ll talk more later, I for sure will not early hammer even if we were in a hammer range.

I’ll have time to read later, rest well any and all who rest!

I should really be sleeping soon but I made good progress to not slanking today I think I’m proud of myself

grats on the rand

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I completely missed this

But it’s a compliment as far as I’m concerned. If you think I’m tryharding it means I’m doing something right. Probably.

i can tell you right now you’re on a fast track for repeating that over and over until you eventually give up on mafia entirely and either find other hobbies or become a gamethrower

if you’re town try to play the game. even just make conversation with people. if your policy is to not try anything, you will keep getting voted out and people will be okay with it as a policy. being a sourpuss doesn’t help anyone.

yeah 95% of anything that gets said is bullshit, no one knows anything, but the joy of the game is in trying to find something that is better than random chance. the one thing that isn’t better than random chance is crossing your arms and refusing to play.

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people get way too hung up on being wrong

like, the math is literally against you, you have a 25% chance of being correct on a scumread. failure is a routine and expected part of the game. even good players are wrong and loudly so quite often. they just are able to pick up the pieces and reassess.

fwiw this is also a very easy fallback for mafia to lean into so i read ~nothing alignment indicative from this post. he leaned into the same exact schtick in the game i read as mafia. if he gives us nothing to work with he’s going to basically have to die at some point this game.

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I play with mech not with socials, mech is king

When I have a structure to base reads off, thats when I shine

I cant magically pull shit from nowhere and make reads, like i need stuff to base it on that is concrete

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well i appreciate your hustle but scumreading me is not the way to go

i, like, think it makes sense for you to suspect me though as i’ve not been overtly pro-town or especially involved, seems like a real thought, not gonna get into a debate with you on it.

i honestly would need to re-check the townreads, i’ve been skimming to catch up

okay but does the role being provable say anything about your alignment

uhh quick thoughts i didn’t have a way to work into a post

  • i think bystander voting tutuu when she did made sense and was kind of towny. when i was reading those posts by tutuu i could see why someone would find them scummy. i’m not saying i felt that way. i don’t really have a read on tutuu. i’m letting him do his thing and seeing what comes of it. but the way bystander reacted felt like genuine evaluation.

  • kiiruma’s entry to the game is Not Great. it just felt like too…trying to look town being upfront with his role in a spot where it doesn’t make much sense to be talking about it. overall energy is just awkward.

@tutuu why is leafia light green here? is it just because of her roleclaim?

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Since I didn’t quite head off to sleep yet I’ll say… yes.
But it’s if I’m believed.

Eh that’s just me. I like talking about mechanical things, in a UPick there’s not exactly much mechanical to talk about other than my role but if you wanna read it as awkward that’s up to you. It’s just what I do best.
