Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

Why do you want the fish?

‘The hosts said it’ Bionic answered you… but you asked if Bionic/hood folk asked what the fish is, and I missed that answer. Do you know what the fish is? Do you just wanna steal stuff?

What happens if there’s an attempt to steal it that fails?

Also… if I understand the words used, I think the neighborizer…

Doesn’t put you in that same one. It sounded from Leafia’s words like a new 2-person neighborhood is created, and she picks both members.

So I’m not sure you’d get fish-theft access, plus… good luck getting her to invite you in if it does with that… approach.

But why do you want the fish?

Not ready to discuss. However, I do recommend sharing your preferences and anti-preferences when you request a character, or otherwise explaining your choice, because that likely increases the odds you do not get something you absolutely don’t have interest in.

You may not get exactly what you ask for, but I suspect if you give a range of what you do want and say what you don’t - it’s probably a rare designer that’s going to make your personal ‘yuck’ or ‘yawn’ character with knowledge that’s what they’re doing.

Yeah! Weren’t we told that our alignment was picked before our actual roles were designed? So I do agree, it’s likely that character alignment could be anything.

But… that’s not reason to sus or not sus Leafia, right? We all start knowing we don’t know about anyone. So ‘evil cat’, I don’t get. Still reading though, and I’ll get there, if you explained it; or you can help if you choose, if you actually sus more than ‘ehh, could be’ that Leaf’s anti-town?

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Well in my case I got yuck abilities, but then again I did send random characters, so it’s deserved. It’s like:
> choose random characters
> both seem to have protective abilities
> get no protective ability

That being said, I have naively mindset that I trust most of the neighborehood.

Fam 3 is one example of the game, I was in D&D neighborehood with other players, including one of them is town dungeon master.

I like and support the town consensus idea.

Additionally, there is said to often be an anti-town high in the D1 votes around end of day, and if pro-town is elim, there’s a fairly decent chance that the other highest vote or two is anti-town. I think in general many accept a vig shot, but I don’t know this culture here on that. And if you’re a vig that dies without shooting, that’s a potential town-useful kill wasted (generally, anti-town only kill town, unless there’s third parties; so a town vig has a chance to get rid of anti-town which is better than the sure anti-town kill of most anti-towns).

Me personally… I like the idea of keeping everyone possible alive. I really only want those dead who my wincon requires.

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Yeah but… we all have different minds. Including the game designer.

I am going to bet that 'protective abilities is not the only thing the characters had or could do or were involved in story/theme-wise.

So again, without express discussion about what you see, it’s luck and guessing that the game designer picks out what you noticed and think you’re seeing.

Like the psych tests, where people are shown images, and what do you see is asked - we tend to see different stuff, so why not increase the odds of getting what you actually do want, is my thinking.

it’s good fun by the way, you should read.

Have you ever seen anyone play well for their wincon D1? If so, how did they do it?

Uh… okay. (IDK what else to talk about on this matter.)

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Hey, does this Popcorn person have a name I know? Unsure why they’re being discussed here, and it’s probably very important.


thats just the name of a past game

Cool, so, but quotes and who is being quoted? Need a way to link it to this game and a person here, if that exists.

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Roughly towniest to scumiest, but not perfectly ordered, I’m fuzzy on some rankings.

  • bystander I don’t love the playstyle, but this is medium sure town. Would be great if I had some meta understanding, but without, pretty sure this is a town slot. Mix of effort and jokes, hiding, town-like deception. I’m not going to have meta to use this game, so I won’t worry about that.

  • tutuu Incredibly good for this game/I love their playstyle, which I think is incredibly good for the game. They get more time to cook. They’re also a weak to medium town lean. Serious player, reading everyone, cares a lot. Really good folks like that can be scum. If you’re scum, clean my clock, I’ll take my shot as you do; if town, glorious, let’s roll. I’m not in your league but I love running after you.

  • catbae Not much to read, but I like what I see. Town lean.

  • Arctic Mostly null, very weak town, commented in depth in 1070.

  • Jarek Has decent reads. Scares the crap out of me, but it’s not an anti-town feel, just scary. A bit rolefishy, where I’m from that’s considered usually scummy, no idea the meta here, but I weak town them because the sense of wincon and other intentions… I don’t feel deception. Weird and scary, but not awful. Do not want to be in a dark alley with this person, would want to be their next door neighbor when they don’t want any trouble near their home.

  • Leafia Not my vote today without profound change. Not enough to read, very interesting slot, responsive and seems open. Will evaluate their scumhunting or lack when I see some - seems to be a player that benefits from time and we have some, nice long day.

  • Kiiruma Giving him more time before I read. Not this-game focused, except on own role. GtH, town. 1% confidence in that read. Do believe ability claim mostly or completely true.

  • Thunderstorm Ahh, Thunderstorm. I already have small meta; my ability to read this one when we’re town/town is poor in turbos. I don’t have another opinion yet. That said, not loving their play here. Not ready to call that scummy, I’ve had my nose rubbed in it twice that I misread this person, they’ve been my top scumread twice and been town doing that stuff. That said, the huge push on Bystander despite pushback from multiple people - low confidence strong town lean. And several small comments outside that long confrontation, it looks town, eager to see more broad focus and hunting outside of the battle already done. I’m concerned that post 596, their 126th post of the game, has 2 town leans, says that’s it with town, reads several folks as wolfy, and is not really chasing them, or trying to prove them, discuss concerns… it’s tunnel. Need your help, Thunder, got some help? They can’t all be wolves, right? Later in read, by 661, added bystander to town lean list, starts engaging with more folks about concerns and suspicions, looking better and better as Thunder goes. There’s stuff I don’t like; I’m pushing to see the town here because I know I didn’t twice already with this one.

  • Someone Probably plays nearly identically as town or scum. Currently null, and I need evidence they get better later in the game to want to see them later in the game.

  • Zone_Q11 Seems to be being honest and clear about what they discuss. I’m aware there’s a lot not discussed. I do not see much scumhunting, and much waiting, helping, discussing but without clear wincon. They show excellent, strong, clear focus and ‘scumhunting’ with strong reason (doesn’t mean I agree with it, in fact I don’t and defended for the exact reason, trying to be clear about the meta aspect likely being explicable and NAI about catbae. Now, Cat’s a nearly empty read, so anything to scumhunt on… thinking about that I wish I had let Cat handle that, to see how cat did it, doh. But - that’s the ONLY hunting Zone’s done that I can see, and it’s for a poor-to-me reason. They also fascinate me! If this game was on B12 and they were playing this way, they’re an extremely likey lynch. It’s not the role claim/ability claim/how powers activate/that they are likely pro maf - though that can be antitown in B12, it’s the general lack of scumhunting and the weird focus. Got reads, Zone? I see scumread on by and cat… got any other opinions? Oh yeah, no confidence in reads. Hey! I can be like that. How about discuss and question, add your own ideas, so people who can read have more to read? Null/I hate this, kill. But that’s my B12 roots, and using meta that may not belong here, I’m pinging off of strong dangerous scum back in my home forum that I learned to hunt. I also like Zone, playstyle wise, not ‘townie read’ wise. I think players that can play a role like he describes as scum are rare. I happen to know two, that I have seen do it as scum, and sometimes successfully caught, so I struggle here.

  • Bionic Does this player get more focused on a specific wincon as the days pass? Null and deeply wish meta to read, do not like, do not want to be in late game with, dangerous-seeming playstyle.

  • Frostwolf103 Weird. Has a few questions, but seems to have low game focus. Has poked at a few things, but no reads, mostly a narrowish focus on some aspects of mechanics. Weak scum lean, cannot read wincon.

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the blue color of the title of each quote signifies that its a link to another thread and not quoting a person from this thread

the avatar on the left of it remains the same, you can use that to quickly tell who is the person quoted

you can click on the blue letters as they’re a hyperlink and it will direct you to the post and you can see the full user name

thunderstorm said that she’s talking about “W!Kii” which stands for Wolf!Kiiruma; the ! sign is like an expression

Thank you hugely.

Is this an alt of a current player?

If not, the only point I see for the many, many, many posts is it’s someone not in this game reading Leafia in a different game.

Is that the correct connection? Is there any other connection?

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Oh! Wait, Kiiruma is in this game, thanks!

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indeed! and i hope that we can all see that eskcantra isn’t mafia together with kiiruma due to this

Yes and no, I asked few questions to read them better

“I’d rather not,” but that’s not an option, is it?
Sigh. Right. “Gotta be towny.”

I am a lazy self-aware narcissistic dement hypocrite:

  • I know my faults, but I don’t fix them.
  • I only listen to anything that involves me or pique my interest.
  • I don’t practice my own preaches, if I ever made any in the past.

I remember a player (Luka? catbae?) saying bystander is like me when it comes to “townreading whoever townreads them”, and it’s fortunate that the similarities end there. Because I am much worse than them.

I have nothing to add for today. My reads are probably just going to be the same as “whatever the consensus is” anyway, and -albeit cryptically- I have already revealed what I can do.

I once heard that one of my flaws is that I oversimplify things, and that I skip the process and go straight to the results. Looking at the current state, I can already predict the end of this day will have Leafia’s execution.

Luka, Arctic, you, and me have the presence, but so far nobody other than maybe Jarek has the control. Does this mean anything? Probably not. It’s just an observation anyway; one that is made too early for anything to matter.

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