Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

Do you think wolves would impulsively poison villagers, because?

you literally called me outted and slipped for the most in need of improvement reason ever and then u try to blame me since you of the needation in improvements

That was before I realized it could simply be returned.

Also, switched my day action to letting Kiiruma and Thunderstorm talk to each other tonight.

@bystander Its okay, I stop being humble.

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Because thats the moment you should have respect your betters.

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doesn’t change that you were desperate about it

You laughing nerviously because you’re caught?

If you had a beloved pet stolen, wouldn’t you be desperate to get it back too?

huh? what does this mean?

im laughing because u going all “respect ur elders” type shit

Yes, a beloved pet not some pixels in a screen

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ur hilarious

Bystander is scum because he call Leafia and Frostwolf both wolves, despite saying T/W it’s a obvious slip and Leafia is obviously framed for the poison attack on me.

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To me that fish is a beloved pet.

i said i wolfread you

you are in need of improvement

It’s obvious the fish is not just flavor and something important to your role abilities

It literally isn’t.