Binary Stars Hydra JoaT10 - Town wins!

snap voting achro to chainsaw defend derps, if he is your scum parter, takes extreme gonads

so probably not partnered?

i do not think so

are we the team giving the migraines or are we the team receiving the migraines

currently doing a sidebyside analysis of achro with this game and stratagem-10

current verdict is not-that-scummy-here
but we’ll see

Binary Stars Achro asks far fewer questions than he has during d1 of Strat10

it’s extremely noticable

how did people not notice this


this is for achro

so i had trouble expressing this sentiment earlier but in my mind i feel like as town, you have a tendency to be more contrarian

like the sort to see LHF and then try to clear them like in hell echoes with italy being wagoned

i don’t know why but i just sensed some degree of complacency you had in where the game was at with you starting the day with 2 scumreads and then still having those 2 scumreads midday and not really budging on them and in the back of my mind how i think you feel about the game feels very different from how i was viewing the overall game

boston voting aerie and then you pivoting to aerie also felt weird game flow wise because idk it just felt sheepy “go with the flow” in a sense

not a very strong read i have a good deal of confidence in but just a feeling that sits in the back of my mind for what it’s worth and there is prob a good chance psyx just talks me out of this by figuring out if zone is town or not

:rofl: that is hilarious i didn’t catch that

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I’ve given up control and thus we don’t have to work through it

I feel conflicted on Boston

Well, one thing to consider is I haven’t disagreed with the wagons presented so far. For example Italy was being wagoned while one of my scum suspects Olive was being ignored. That displeased me for obvious reasons.

Here I don’t know how you don’t see the process I am using though. I was on Boston until they posted something which satisfied me for now and then I moved on to my next read for now. The only real difference is my reads have been more consensus for everyone else today whereas in that game they were less understood/agreed upon.


This is boring… just kill people

i agree
there is a strangeness there but i’m not sure if its because may is scum or other reasons

wait but i can’t be trusted with control help

I do not believe Achro is a wolf here at all

Mainly cause i suck at the game of mafia

i have come to the same conclusion after about 100 posts from each

hands marl the keys

neon this is a bike it doesn’t need keys