Binary Stars Hydra JoaT10 - Town wins!

Well, a lot of people interacted with me early on. So far you have produced very meager meaningful content around that. Your vote comes off as uninspired. I would expect as town who decided to start the game with a fun play like going after me for that fun to continue after so many people reacted to me. Instead, it feels tonally as if you are instead deflated by what has happened. Defeated, even.

here’s what I think happened, May.

You just got done being in the freezer for an entire game day as I stabbed Jaiden over and over. You know that’s not going to fly as scum again. You also know I tend to reward those who come after me as I think scum tend to be cowardly. You know this because I said as much when suspecting Jaiden last game.

I think you had in mind pre-topic start that the first thing you were going to do was as soon as possible pick a fight with me and be aggressive. To counteract your meta and to immediately get me off your trail.

Except that’s not what happened. Instead I immediately suspected you as your post felt dangerously off from my perception of your town game I gained in Morb. Not only that, but since that initial push you have devolved into joking around and trying to have an air of non-seriousness about your push on me when to start it was anything but.

I believe you are still uncomfortable as scum and when your push was deflected you feel uncomfortable in the thread now. You aren’t going to freeze on us - I think you have resolved to stick in thread no matter what to become a better player - but I don’t sense the well honed knife of a town May coming from you at all. Your attacks are dull, your points labored as if every word is a fight for your survival.

I killed you in Morb, May. I don’t kill players I don’t respect and certainly not night 2. I don’t sense that dread aura of solving I felt in my scum heart in that game here and now, but timidity instead.

This is why my vote remains on you.


OK cool. I haven’t played with either of you while both being town in a while, I don’t think, and so all my gauges are off… common theme with me as of late, but we’ll figure it out.

However! I think the way you two kind of… bounce off providing content is at least somewhat towny. I know Jaiden made a good bit of effort last game around to interact with the game as scum, while in the past I remember t!her being more sparing on the reads, not really sounding like she was forcing herself to interact with thread. Obviously could be outsized reaction to Mets, but who knows. Who knows.

You also barely reacted to my vote on Terrance, which makes some sense given your vote on them was a shitpost in the first place, but it is at least a little irritating given I picked them because they’d had votes moving around their slot. SAD! Well theres other players

so true
i know who me is

eliza made that post
eliza also made this post

eliza also made this post


Hm. Pretty dramatic, but I’m glad to see your perception of me is growing more accurate, even if you’re taking that to mean I’m scum for now ^-^

Boston + Derps feels very boring and in-line with game state which is… um… conventional. Conventional always feels wrong to me, like wolf sheeping status quo. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

Psyx saying Zone is town is your saving grace here tbh


You do realize my first two scum reads of the game were derp and boston and I was the first to call out both, right?

Meaning that the game state is warping around me, not the other way around.


No I don’t realize but I’ll double check

Correction: Leafia voted Boston before me, I took too long gearing up to vote

but still.

Saying that I am sheeping consensus when I built the consensus is a tad silly.

Vote Count

BostonFlours (3): Monochromatic, terranceleehew, Neon_Genesis_Marluxion
terranceleehew (2): SquidSisters, BostonFlours
SquidSisters (1): LeafiabutWorse
Monochromatic (1): AerieRaffles
LeafiabutWorse (1): Orochimeowru

Not Voting (2): BigFooled, SonicAndKnuckles

why is derps voting boston if boston is scum

holy arete

Distancing. I don’t think that vote matters at all tbh as it isn’t as if it could be easily changed later on.


they aren’t even like
interacting at all
if the goal was to distance

You don’t think Boston’s vote on Derp is an interaction?


at the same time boston is doing the same thing so idk

they literally voted derps in a post exclusively talking about kanavedugetama

Doesn’t this kinda mean that any vote that doesn’t hammer/isn’t there at the end of day doesn’t matter?