Binary Stars Hydra JoaT10 - Town wins!

Basically I’d expect a town resigned to death for the good of town top believe like MOBA united and a wolf to act exactly like BigFooled defending themself lightly trying to get more time but not really doing anything to advance the game forward.

Like scum that’s given up does what BigFooled is doing. They don’t roll over and die because they still feel obligated to try for their team they way BigFooled is playing is like exactly how i play when i give up and am resigned to losing.

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yeah i can realistically see this
also can realistically see dota having slipped
both are possible
everyone else is just towny or wouldn’t have killed achro

I actually kinda feel like anyone here is a suspect to kill Achro lol

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This is pretty convincing. I was never last scum before and never played through a similar situation, so I don’t have the personal experience but I think Psyx has.

Psyx, what are your thoughts here?

I’m on post 688, should I post what I have so far?

Yes you can

For now one of my solves would be LBW for this. Soft defense. (hypocritical of me though lol)

This is dumb ik but them humoring derp’s attempt at shifting the conversation is heeeeh not good.

Bro in hindsight---- WHY ARE YOU SO BLATANTLY JOAT??? But also I wouldn’t dare vote them at this point if I realize what they’re implying here. Anyone who votes them beyond this point (Squid) doesn’t know.

They didn’t communicate with Leafia on the Monochromatic town read… Why wouldn’t they?

Not dramatic enough to be w/w imo.

Why at this point do you feel like they’re both V, but later on feel torn between a Derp and Boston vote?

I like this post and will TR them for it because that’s a mood at this point of the thread.

You’re walking in the woods
There’s no one around, and your phone is dead
Out of the corner of your eye, you spot him.
Shia LaBeouf

Another defense, but this time with shading Neon/Marl.

Hold on why are you acting like you don’t know— If you read the thread as thoroughly as it’s implied by your amount of questions, you should know it’s not.
It feels like you’re trying to appear like you haven’t talked to them yet.

insert Family Feud music here

Okay yeah I don’t think this is how scum reacts to pressure. This was like “dew it mortal. I am town therefore I know you will look bad.”

It feels like this slot is trying to see how far they can get without doing anything lol. Could easily be scum. I simply TR them D1 because I read like a game from years ago when they were wolf. (Which doesn’t instill confidence.)
Get well though! And hydrate!

You don’t know how I’d act as scum, I might freeze. (Unless you count the Inquisitor game, in which HECK NO, I did not freeze at all.)

Not W/W imo.

Different people. That was Psyx’s readlist with Monochromatic and Boston as townie. I (Cream) was the latter.


SonicAndKnuckles (2): AerieRaffles, LeafiabutWorse
BigFooled (1): Neon_Genesis_Marluxion

Not Voting (4): BigFooled, SonicAndKnuckles, SquidSisters, Orochimeowru

Psyx was talking to LeeHew. I don’t think LeeHew ever mentioned his mafia experience and no one else mentioned it, so valid question IMO.

Okay valid.
Hydra’s are confusing.

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Yeah sorry I will try to tag my posts better


I don’t need to:
"Cause I’m all alone
theres no one here beside me
my problems have all gone
theres no one here to deride me"

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But seriously speaking, I didn’t quite get this paragraph:

“top believe like MOBA united and a wolf” wha???

Ah yeah, Leafia in those posts meant your slot as a whole (ie., shortened the name).

Ok, so what I think NGM sees is that Sonic are just lolposting and aren’t doing much aside from “explaining” themselves against Cream’s wolfcase.

BigFooled, on the other hand, are still trying to read the thread and contribute in some way.

And Marl thinks that the former is a townie “resigned to death for the good of town” while the latter is a Last Wolf Standing™ fighting an uphill battle.

I’d buy the town!Sonic rationale more if we didn’t have… points at Terrance’s corpse. And as for BigFooled, the sussiest thing about them is them showing up all-panick-y a few minutes before EOD when Cream mentioned they can tie the wagons to a 3-way tie if they were only present. The reading the thread/contributing so late into D2…coin toss, I’d say. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


But yeah, I still think Sonic is sussier than BigFooled simply because their explanations (in regards to Cream’s questions) make no sense to me.

Hmm…let’s see…I don’t think I’ve ever asked you these before, but:

  • How did you discover FM?
  • How has FM influenced your life (any life lessons or skills learnt from the game)?
  • Any FM goals or dreams you want to achieve?