Binary Stars Hydra JoaT10 - Town wins!

Oh, and also! If you could describe this game (or your experience playing this game) with a song/music video, what would it be?

@BigFooled what are your consolidated thoughts/reads from what youā€™ve read so far? They can just be vague/impressions/vibe reads/gut feelings. Also, knowing that Terrance is a wolf now, was there any interaction with another player that stood out to you?

Okay so what you do is you donā€™t butcher the grammatical structure of 2 separate sentences.

And figure out that the first word is a typo.

And donā€™t ignore context.

Basically Iā€™d expect a town resigned to death for the good of town to behave like MOBA united. And a wolf to act exactly like BigFooled defending themself lightly trying to get more time but not really doing anything to advance the game forward.

That was Neon not marl

1 Like

That is very much not the only thing against them

Also just because Terrance Celery Yeehaw acted a certain way doesnā€™t mean their team mate will. Thatā€™s a weird reason to assume someone is a wolf.

@AerieRaffles which do you think it is between sonic and garfooled


how did you go from having derps as your second most confident scum to defending him here?

@SquidSisters who do you all think the last wolf is?

what did you mean here @AerieRaffles ? what have you been wrong on at that point in the game? This is eod1, pre-derps flip

this game is an interesting puzzle


also all posts between this and here are from marl

Lmaoooo this is all within like 20 posts.

Aerie why are you a wolf?


This feelsā€¦i dunno fake


I justā€¦I am gonna conf bias myself if I keep reading this iso for their interactions marl help.


Bruh Iā€™m done.

Marlā€¦I think this is scum.

Monochromatic (2): BostonFlours, AerieRaffles
BostonFlours (1): LeafiabutWorse
terranceleehew (1): Monochromatic

This vote only lasted 1 minute but.

Monochromatic (3): BostonFlours, terranceleehew, SquidSisters
BostonFlours (2): LeafiabutWorse, Monochromatic
SquidSisters (1): AerieRaffles

I will note this vote change occurs when both Terrence Celery Yeehaw and Aerie are on a 4 vote town Mono wagon. Sussy.

I personally believe scum self vote more than town but meh.

BostonFlours (2): Monochromatic, terranceleehew
Monochromatic (1): BostonFlours
SquidSisters (1): LeafiabutWorse
terranceleehew (1): SquidSisters
AerieRaffles (1): AerieRaffles

I will note that Aerie has expressed sus on Terrence and Mono and pulled off Mono earlier because ā€œi donā€™t want to hammerā€ but is not willing to vote either when the VC is looking like this.

BostonFlours (3): Monochromatic, terranceleehew, Neon_Genesis_Marluxion
terranceleehew (2): SquidSisters, BostonFlours
SquidSisters (1): LeafiabutWorse
Monochromatic (1): AerieRaffles

There was an unvote than a revote

terranceleehew (3): SquidSisters, LeafiabutWorse, Monochromatic
AerieRaffles (1): BostonFlours
LeafiabutWorse (1): Orochimeowru
Neon_Genesis_Marluxion (1): terranceleehew
Unvote (1): Neon_Genesis_Marluxion
Monochromatic (1): AerieRaffles


BostonFlours (2): Monochromatic, AerieRaffles
terranceleehew (1): LeafiabutWorse
Monochromatic (1): SquidSisters
AerieRaffles (1): BostonFlours
Neon_Genesis_Marluxion (1): terranceleehew
Unvote (1): Neon_Genesis_Marluxion
BigFooled (1): Orochimeowru
SquidSisters (1): SonicAndKnuckles

Unless i missed something thatā€™s all their votes D1.

Iā€™ve done the math andā€¦ they voted only for dead town and they did this whole expressing sus on Terranceleehew constantly and consistently but refusing to ever place a vote.

Monochromatic (3): BostonFlours, AerieRaffles, terranceleehew
BostonFlours (2): LeafiabutWorse, Monochromatic

BostonFlours (2): Monochromatic, terranceleehew
Monochromatic (1): BostonFlours
SquidSisters (1): LeafiabutWorse
terranceleehew (1): SquidSisters

BostonFlours (2): Monochromatic, Neon_Genesis_Marluxion
terranceleehew (2): SquidSisters, BostonFlours
SquidSisters (1): LeafiabutWorse
Monochromatic (1): AerieRaffles
LeafiabutWorse (1): Orochimeowru
Neon_Genesis_Marluxion (1): terranceleehew


Alright Iā€™m gonna go for a bit my head hurts lol

Marl save me