Bland & Flavorless Mountainous 15er - Mafia Winnered

btw i accidentally sent seth the entire wolfteam earlier sorry forgot to mention it

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(for legal purposes this is a joke)

fun fact: i had promised spec chat that i would write end of game flavor if town managed to win

it was going to be the ballad of the arizona joycat with the big iron on their hip

i couldnā€™t come up with any good names for texas red though

Meh, the only thing I did right this game was clear Arete and they almost got MLed anyway. Also Zorvo the IC was the last yeet.

Terrible game in all aspects, wolves played well but town was kinda horrendous and I was a part of the problem. Arctic killing me and pushing my legacy reads to murder Lemonfairy is getting tiring, this is the second time in a row he does this to me except this time the reads he was pushing werenā€™t even fake.

I had reservations about all three players who ended up being wolves but I ended up putting them pretty high anyway because I got distracted by new players posting bad by my metrics + Lemonfairy not being as invested. Itā€™s always like this, I get distracted by people posting ā€œworseā€ than the actual wolves. Fwiw had I survived to day 4 I wouldā€™ve supported Areteā€™s push on Arctic but since I was killed that didnā€™t come to fruition and idk if I wouldā€™ve stuck with it.

GG anyway, but Iā€™m displeased.


I want to say that I revoke your license to read Arete but I also havenā€™t seen them wolf in a while so idk if I would catch them. I think the pushes on them were pretty terrible this game though.

gg vul, sorry for killing you

To be fair, my push on them was obviously not in good faith! But yes, a lot of the arete fwobbling that happened this game was very not good and likely impacted their ability to find wolves as a result.

i donā€™t know how arete does it

like, i could not put up with that amount of bullshit and i may have done some regrettable things if i was receiving the worse end of sethā€™s tunnel

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well when every town who died had bad reads and we had to kill them anyway i wanted to get some profit out of it at least

seeing seth actually think about the jarek kill in lylo after ignoring every other nightkillā€™s reads made me :really:

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I even called it out but I thought it was in your townrange lol.

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The worst part is that it wasnā€™t just Sethā€™s tunnel.

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To be fair to Seth, he did almost get the solve in the end and he was correct that there had to be a wolf in Arctic and Arete based on the gamestate. He did have some correct takes here.

I do, however, think that his arguing with Arete actively made the game worse. It made him and Arete both ICs in my eyes but that didnā€™t end up mattering.

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His playstyle is ultimately what caused him to lose the game imo. He was so convinced his prisma read was right that it got prisma to vote him in the end, despite him more or less getting the solve in the end. If he had been even like 10% more considerate itā€™s possible prisma doesnā€™t vote him there.

(Iā€™m obviously not absolving prisma of all the guilt of voting wrong, but they are new! thatā€™s likeā€¦ what new people do)

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Hello I won

despite it making him an ic, it ultimately made the game worse and in my opinion had an impact on the result

but shrugze
iā€™m a wolf what do i know

that was quite literally his only semi-correct reason for either of those reads

If I just ignore the newbies and ignore lack of investment as reasoning for somebody being mafia then I have the near-exact solve, I guess I should do that in future games lol.

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I know thatā€™s not how it works but Iā€™m trying to inhale copium.

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basically if i didnā€™t townread the wolves i would have solved the game

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Thatā€™s more accurate, yeah.
If there were signatures on FoL then this would make its way to my signature right away.