Bland & Flavorless Mountainous 15er - Mafia Winnered

Happy anniversary, celebrated by getting swept.


ggs i was italy

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I had exams, that’s why I didn’t really fight to survive there.

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Exams in november?

Or the summer vacation is the entire winter because you’re at the opposite pole?

Wow look at Silviu he forgot how countries can be kind of strict with exams

good game overall
i’ll see you all in 2028 when i finish my rolemadness (if i’m lightning fast)

Lightning McQueen is it you king?

What else…
I made up the reason for why I was still voting Arete to justify myself, I just forgot. But I didn’t really care, once it became obvious I was going to be executed I didn’t think I needed to bother.

You’re making Junko get what she wants!

I would absolutely roll as jester.

You’re making fox girl jester Aelin OC something something get what she wants!

If I only read this post, I would think you were mafia in this game lol.

I would definitely justify myself if I was Mafia.

I mean Magnus does have a wolf pfp


I’d say that if anything, I hope that this game would indicate that there is a serious problem with the way you conduct yourself in this game, but I can totally see you thinking “oh I was right on 2 wolves in the end so everything is fine and it’s everyone else’s fault.”


You spent the majority of this game tunneling two villagers for nebulous reasons, and for the first 3 days gave no thought about why you might be wrong, shutting out the arguments of others as to why your pushes were bad (mainly me - I was a wolf, but that doesn’t mean I can’t see a v/v push is bad when I see one) and shoving your worldview down everyone’s throats. This is a team game. The only form of compromise you were willing to make was by voting on wagons you didn’t even believe in just to make people listen to you the next day, which only ended up resulting in a delusion that your reads were better than they were just because you were correct on the alignment of the elimination, despite being incorrect on the pushes you were making on Arete and Prisma.

The real compromise you needed was a willingness to entertain where you might be wrong and why. I know for a fact that you did not read the majority of my towncases on Arete, and you put little stock in Vulgard’s death until Day 5 despite him having Arete as an IC and dying on the same night he replaced in. You barely engaged with either mine or Arete’s reasons for townreading Prisma because you were too blinded by your own worldview.

There’s also the issue of the way you decided to go about making your reads in the first place - I’ve already covered why your reasons to scumread Arete were flat out bad, but when you start to make reads on the metric of “agreeing with me = town” and “disagreeing with me” = scum, this creates even more issues and you are never going to have a good solve. Firstly, because if you are in fact wrong then this will just result in you becoming more and more wrong, warping your worldview of the game until it becomes hard to see anything else, and secondly because the game is more complicated than “wolves kill town” and “town kill wolves” since villagers do not have perfect information. It’s never viable to base your entire view of the game from one read at an early point of the game, and I feel like this is the most obvious take-away with this game, as demonstrated by your incorrect townread on Marl.

It’s ultimately hard to quantify what effect your play had on the game, but it is clear that at least the final miselimination was due to the way you carried yourself. We knew that a Prisma/Arete/Seth LyLo would almost always be a guaranteed win (though I did start to panic a little when you reconsidered Arete) which is why we brought Prisma to LyLo - even if I died, Prisma was both suspected and wrong, and there was always the argument that I had hard defended them on Day 4 so we were sure they would either misvote or be misvoted down the line. Prisma thought you were a wolf because of the way you were pushing them in bad faith for what they (in my opinion, correctly) perceived as terrible reasons to scumread them e.g. “not voting Arete when I showed them my scumcase on Arete”, “not scumreading Arctic”, “voting town”, to name a few, and the bottom line is, as a new player, I can’t really fault them for having this read. I am making an assumption here, so if Arete proves me wrong then you can choose to ignore this next point, but I am pretty sure your treatment of them damaged their ability to solve the game and presumably made them want to play it less.

I am probably being hypocritical with this post, because I have in the past played in a way that, if you squint, resembles how you did here. But this does also enable me to empathise with your position, in particular the frustrations you had when people weren’t listening to you. And I think what you need to do is think about why people weren’t interested in listening to you and try to act on that - whether it be the quality of your arguments or the way you carry yourself (which is also important - people are more inclined to listen to those they deem as level-headed and friendly).

Now, I know you’ve been playing this game for a long time (a decade, I think I remember Arete saying?) and so I would be completely unsurprised if you made absolutely no change here, but I want to believe that people can improve. The first step is to read this post in full and realize that you played this game in a dismal way - this means none of “oh but I was mostly right in the end” or “no one listened to me on Arctic”. Recognize that your intuition is not even close to being good enough to carry games. Take responsibility and act on it.



this is why I specifically asked you not to vote until we had a voting order, like ‘you are town and Zorvo is also town’ was specifically what I was worried about

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Remember that intuition is a tool that helps you easily detect a pattern and already come up with a solution. It’s not a word from God that says the absolute truth.

uh also GG everyone! congrats Arctic, Marl, Molly


give it to me and i finish it tomorrow

mama always told me not to trust the strange voices in my head when they make me promises