Bland & Flavorless Mountainous 15er - Mafia Winnered

I should have asked myself, “is @Prisma101 completely wolfy” but instead I was probably like “I bet Prisma’s defenders dying meant he was trying to use it as a way to receive fake Town credit” rather then “hmm maybe I should re-look at Prisma to make sure.

Also Prisma if you let things play out you would have been in F3 and could have convinced others your Town FFS.

We were so close here!!!
I almost pulled a white knight!!!

Argh I’m so frustrated!!

I hate this!
I was so fucking close!

Town sweeping a 4v3? That’d really be something to see.

So fucking close!

Arctic and Molly dies and it becomes a Marluxion/May/Prisma F3.

We could win that!

I said be careful in F3.

I told Prisma I wasn’t 100% like man.

Mafia was terrified of May for some reason. They were planning to kill her first.


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Either way:

Zorvo / May / Arete.
One of you would’ve been alive at F3 to challenge Marl, with Prisma as kingmaker. Which…

late november is an awful time to grill
i got these packages of premade burgers and they’re fucking delicious

I should have asked Prisma what I was gonna.

“Let’s assume you are town, who is the lash wolf?”

I’m so fucking mad, I had a chance and blew it

It would’ve been me arete and prisma as it had currently been planned, assuing prisma didn’t vote zorvo over molly on the penultimate day

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I don’t think you blew it.
Actually, snapvoting in XELO has its advantages, as you demonstrated here. You were the towniest player alive, and you set up an immediate thunderdome between yourself and the player you voted. The obvious downside is that you might lose the game immediately. Still, it’s very illuminating.

snapvoting is objectively correct if you already know who you are going to vote, yep

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That is what you need to not do

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the snapvote wasn’t the problem, this entire last day phase wasn’t really the problem
it was the rest of the game that was the problem :joy_cat: