Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

True. There’s that too.

I’d say an 85% chance that Gummy is the last evil and a 15% chance Beguined is the last evil.

That’s where I’m currently at.

this is so wrong

idk who tf is evil but it’s not me lololol

wait no this is so true…

benguined w/ the slight bus of mayhater

why benguined voted instead of mayhater even though they supposedly believed may


You’d say this regardless of whether you were evil or not.

Now you’re thinking like a villager. Instead of just blindly saying you’re not evil, try coming up with worlds were one of us is evil.

Here’s something that should help. Try thinking of a world where I’m the last evil and a world where Benguined is the last evil and see which one works better both mechanically and socially. Because if Benguined is somehow the last evil and all you do in your defense is claim not to be the last evil without even trying to reason out whether I’m the last evil or Benguined is the last evil, we don’t stand a chance of winning this.

i mean just for saying this i socially read benguined as evil more than i socially read you

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@RainCloud can you remind me of your results again plz

gummy i’m gonna be real i am trying so hard to give you the benefit of the doubt but all of the raincloud evil worlds are so so niche they’re absurd. there’s part of me that knows that game end and grim reveal is gonna be a muahaha moment from raincloud but like. ugh either i got two evils in a droisoned noble ping or it’s that niche raincloud mezzed world i brought up earlier. there are so many more world in which it’s you

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yeah but it’s not me :((((((

like actually :(((

just trust me D:

I mean it’s Gummy > Benguined > Rain fmpov in terms of likelihood and I know I’m not the only one who probably thinks that atm. Benguined realises Rain worlds are niche af and you realise that too Gummy so like IDK where I’m voting but it’s one of you two

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i dont know about you guys but i have a pretty good idea about where i’m voting

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jarek - librarian
raincloud - undertaker
me - oracle/drunk
kii - drunk/oracle
mayhater - mez?
bionic - goon
benguined - demon
may - ravenkeeper


damn im not even there :sob:

benguined could have so easily given a true noble ping so that suspicion on them would be cast off


sorry i think you really are the artist fwiw


which demon/minion am i gummy

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Hundred percent possible fmpov

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and why did i let mayhater’s claim be so dogshit. none of the worlds where i’m evil tackle this fundamental problem