Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

@may help ;( im so confused

all i can say is not me but things have been so muddled that i don’t know how to prove it

let me go through the comedy of errors i had to have committed in the world where i’m evil/aligned with mayhater:

  • may claims damsel to me. in this world, i know they’re lying. instead of letting them claim dreamer and confirm me, i go out of my way to claimswap and effectively put myself under further scrutiny and without a claim.
  • i also tell may a truthful noble result with my partner in it, so that neither of the possible monster holders are well and truly safe
  • mayhater immediately whispers me at start of day 2. they claim dreamer with a noble result on may, and instead of telling them about the other dreamer i’m aware about or even that may isn’t actually noble, i just completely leave them out to dry
  • this is actually my only conversation with mayhater, and i don’t talk with them before to get a grasp on the game or after to clarify things.

why did evil!me do all that? is he stupid?

We need to keep MAYHATER here so we can read her spew/antispew!

I’d say that no matter who wins here, they deserve it. Both sides have played this remarkably well I feel.

May was claiming Noble. Not MAYHATER.

You just answered the question you asked here. It would be a stupid thing to do at least, but I’ve seen skilled players do stupider plays, so I don’t think it’s clearing.

Nominations are now open.

My gut is telling me it’s Gummy, so…VOTE: Gummy

I mean I’d think so but I’m like 75/25.
Mechanically I think it’s moreso 90/10 but Gummy socially is fighting so hard that I don’t want to be wrong between the 2 of them

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That’s fair enough.

Who’s still alive

yeah socially gummy reads somewhat good but then i remember the intractable oracle doubleclaim and the sheer zaniness of raincloud evil worlds and at this point i think i’ve just accepted that even if raincloud is evil it’s never gonna get the votes




Me, Gummy, and Benguined.

Raincloud: Undertaker. In a Noble ping against an outed evil. If evil then Mayhater pushed on their demon yesterday which is insane.

Benguined: Noble. Shrug. Could see bussing Mayhater especially with Mayhater not pushing against the slot. But probably would’ve given Mayhater a more solid claim so it’s unlikely.

Gummy: Oracle doubleclaim. Results basically mean that unless there’s impressively precise droisoning, Benguined would have to be demon if Gummy is good.


Raincloud can’t be evil without Mayhater?


Gunmy thing too

mayhater is outed evil they are lolcatting

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