Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

I’m tired

Did you see Marissa’s last BotF


i am not using hyperbole mayhater has claimed evil

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why do i have to be demon if gummy is good? walk me through that thought process

Because if Gummy is good, either you or me is the demon.

…and it can’t be that world where you’re mezzed because?

i’m aware it’s a niche world. but it’s not literally impossible

Noble ping means they aren’t evil together unless droisoning or a mez turn.
But in that world where droisoning/mez turn, Mayhater pushed on the person who was holding demon.

Gummy info supports Mayhater being evil.

Mayhater has straight up outed evil too.
So like yeah…

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I’m not saying it is from your perspective, but from my perspective, I know it’s impossible. That’s all I’m saying here.

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Because who mez turned them in that world?
Considering both my/Gummy’s info.

well from your perspective of course if gummy’s good i’m the demon! this does not illuminate anything to me it it basic mafia theory

why are you talking like both you/gummy’s info is legit

I mean Gummy’s claimed info supports me being good. (Gummy’s not the Oracle because I am but still)
My info supports Jarek/Bionic. But then I don’t really think it’s tenable to place Mezzed!Rain

I was gonna execute Kiiruma just on instinct but he’s dead

Gummy is pretty damn pure

i have already concocted a world where mayhater is mez/someone is evil/raincloud is mezzed. i don’t know if i believe in it but it’s not literally impossible

What the heck?!
I died a while ago :sob:

There’s one glaring problem with Someone/MAYHATER worlds Benguined. That problem being that there was no contact between them and no attempt at contact. When you Mez turn someone, you let your partner know. You don’t just leave them in the dark about it.

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Okay so if I think it’s not Gummy and it’s not Mayhater/benguined together then who should I vote