Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

Artist is like really boring so I kinda zoned out for a good bit there

You literally replied to it.


at least as artist you have something to do after night 0. sometimes as noble you have to make your own fun (and sometimes that fun involves a claimswap)


The biggest issues with Rain world:
1 - Mayhater pushing the flagbearer
2 - Noble information contains both of them (So would need a mez turn)
3 - Lack of communication between the parties

I mean if we’re saying that somebody was mez turned then when did this occur? Who would be turned?

again mayhater was mez turned, 1 doesnt mean shit

in fact makes it more likely

normal minion doesnt out like that, its purely mez turn situation

Who mez turned Mayhater?


Hmmm, I just had a thought of a possible world. Let’s see if it makes sense. Someone as Mez, MAYHATER as Poisoner, and Gummy as the mezturned one.

I just find it weird how much Someone is defending Gummy here and not even considering worlds where Gummy is evil. That’s how it feels to me at least.

We already know Someone and Gummy have whispered together, so I think it fits.

We need to work that out if we’re going to build it as a possibility.

I dont cuz botc with its mech is a pain, I like mech, but this kind of mech sucks

with all due respect i think approimately 0 mezzes choose to turn gummy of all people

Right here.

So vibes is what I go off

I… already explained the mech though.
I get if you’re not a fan of mech.
But for Mayhater to be mez turned and Raincloud to be evil it needs some niche things.
And same vice versa.
And for them to be starting evil together it’s even harder.

Raincloud felt evil like the entire game


it is actually possible that raincloud turned mayhater and that’s why mayhater defended them so hard