Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

@iamagummybear what 3 did you claim when doing 3f3?

Noble, Pixie, or Preacher

So… not really, no.
Preacher, maybe.
But poisoning somebody because they claimed Preacher in a 3f3 rather than an outed Oracle or Dreamer is highly unlikely.

including pixie in a 3f3 is insane lmfao. but preacher might be poisonworthy

(for the record if you really are pixie you can break madness now it’s okay. there is no penalty)

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Compare it to a semi-outed Dreamer and an outed Oracle.
It’s not really.

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(I am not pixie)

Why would they poison you n1 if it was in your 3f3 but not overall

Like you werent confirmed to be oracle

Wait in a LM game does the evil team know each other


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A Dreamer with a single wrong dream can cause a complete incorrect solve.
An Oracle with a single wrong number can cause a complete incorrect solve.

Poisoning somebody for claiming Preacher in a 3 is bonkers in comparison.
If it was a hardclaim, sure, I could see it maybe but as a 1/3 it doesn’t make sense.

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it’s hard to have an intense custody battle if you don’t know who you’re fighting with for custody

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i would argue if you’re mez and you really don’t wanna be shut down before you can get your conversion

Because I claimed it hardclaim to everybody.

Can someone explain why mayhater prevented raincloud from getting executed

But in that world then the mez and poisoner would’ve needed to coordinate that together.
And on top of that you’d need to have suspicious you’d be the one preached.
Plus it’s still a 1/3.

And also the mez would’ve needed somebody to have already said the word if they’d be trying to get it done that quickly.

D1 apparently social reads.
However D3 Mayhater actively wanted Rain dead (When Rain would realistically be the flagbearer) in comparison to how they treated you/Benguined.

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In a LM game does the evil team get fakeclaims
