Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

In Rain world there’s perfect poisons despite other people being outed.
And likely a mez turn too.
And yet why would the poisons have been exactly who they’d have to be and why did the mez and converted player not speak after their first conversation to exchange the mez word?

gummy i’m gonna be real if you think there’s even a slight chance i’m the demon it’s strictly optimal to nominate me. it’s not something you have to commit to and you can very easily vote for raincloud again later.

obviously from my perspective i wouldn’t like to be nominated, since i know we already have the right answer and nominating me just adds another wrong one. but no one else knows that, and if there’s any chance that i’m the right answer not nominating me is a strictly game losing move

Can you elaborate on this?

Ik im worried that

If youre good and i nominate you, evil and good splits votes between us → raincloud gets off scot free

votesplitting is a terribly bad idea because mayhater has made very clear they’re gonna snapvote at eod and i will make sure to impress that to the good team at every turn

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Wajt omg

What if raincloud was starting evil as mez and then mayhater got converted

Okay then


you just do it by voting me. you can unvote like. immediately after

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VOTE: benguinedparbecue

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Unvote: benguinedparbecue

that unvote doesn’t work. you have to do it with the button to the right of the vote hammer on the text editor

Myself and Jarek were both semi outed. Myself as Oracle, Jarek as Dreamer.
Yet instead of the poison happening to either of us, in the Rain/Me/Mayhater world (One of the only viable ones for Rain) it happened to you

A Mez usually needs to speak in 2 conversations. First to give the Mez word out. Second to tell the newly converted player who their new teammate is. Mayhater and Rain spoke once. I spoke once to Mayhater. I would’ve talked once to Rain but Rain cancelled the whisper because I was ‘evil’ to them. None of us had 2 whispers with each other.

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You even lied in your 3f3 so why would you be targeted with poison? It’s inconsistent considering the fact that myself or Jarek are much more likely to have been targeted with poison than you.

Is it possible that none of us are evil

Yes. But in that world a good person is holding the Lil Monsta and would’ve outed it.
So, no.

Ikkk ugh theres not even a role that sees the grimoire

UGH idfk

Socially raincloud is so much worse than benguined
But mechanically benguined is worse than raincloud

is it possible that gummy’s 3f3 contained a role that the evil team would want to poison

There’s no spy, no widow.
It doesn’t make sense for Rain to be the demon because of the facts that have been presented.
I know that socially Rain sucks, but mechanically it’s beyond inconsistent.

And I don’t know out of you and Benguined who we should vote for.
Because socially to me you read insanely pure.
But mechanically you are the worst.

IDK what Gummy’s 3f3 is.