Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

Is there a world where mayhater or raincloud was turned

wait what if mayhater’s character was undertaker

Can someone plz compile all results

Mayhater only talked to Raincloud once.
It wouldn’t be viable to do a roleswap there if you’re not going to keep talking about an ongoing info role.
On top of this in the world where Mayhater or Raincloud was turned, they weren’t informed of the team which doesn’t make sense.

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well why does it matter whether you talk about an ongoing info role if you can just say someone’s evil or drunk and then use poisoner as plausible deniability

we could have also developed some sort of signal system so that they knew what results i got

Because if you’re doing a roleswap to make your teammate look good, you’d also give them your info.
It’s mostly pointless otherwise

Yes there’s plausible deniability.
But you know what’s even better? Being able to correctly call out people’s characters on a non-spy script.

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If you can correctly call out characters on a non-spy script you look confirmed and it’s a free win.

well it’s a little suspicious if they’re constantly whispering mayhater before they ever out their results

Yes. But the thing is you’d only need 1 or 2 correct results before you look confirmed and then you can use the poisoner plausible deniability too to support it so you can break the tie between yourselves.

On top of this in this world Mayhater was mezzed by Raincloud.
And yet there was no 2nd whisper so Mayhater could learn the team ever?

Why couldnt the mez word happen in chat

If Rain managed to call out Goon without speaking to Bionic and Ravenkeeper without May revealing it, we wouldn’t ever be questioning them here. Think of it like that.

In whisper

Did Raincloud say anything that would be a mez word here?

If the Mez word happened in whisper then that’s 1 whisper.
They never whispered a second time to reveal the evil team to the other.

And you know that’s what you do if you mez turn somebody.
You inform them of the team so they can work with you.
You don’t just leave them high and dry for any reason.

I fully expected you to both be pushing for each other so you’re not the only one thrown for a loop by this.


To gain my trust obviously.

We obviously have a poisoner.

That’s beyond dumb.

Look I can respect the thought from Benguined but it’s just not consistent.
No need to call it dumb though.


Do I think it’s logical? No.

Because if you’re doing a roleswap, you also swap information to help confirm the person you swapped with.
On top of this the lack of a 2nd whisper basically means that the mez turn… didn’t happen.
As why would would you ever leave somebody high and dry?
Tis not something you’d do really, I know you’re experienced enough to know better than that.