Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

i’m just confused why the storytellers would give a drunk result for may if they knew jarek was sitting on a librarian drunk that didn’t involve them. and why implicate the ravenkeeper who never got to use their ability as drunk. it seems too much like a copout from an evil player who doesn’t actually know may’s character and just decided to throw out the one universally applicable result

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Because I was poisoned obviously. I can’t control the result I get if I’m poisoned. For all I know, they chose to give me that result to help the evil team.

…it doesn’t even seem to have helped the evil team’s narrative. mayhater was pushing a mutant world

It has put suspicion on me though so yes it has helped evils.

What was mays result

may didn’t get a result. they got exe’d

Also n2 apparently

Raincloud got undertaker bionic as godfather and maycloud got 0 result

What happened here

Force a conflict between Rain and Jarek

Hadn’t you roleswapped with May?
If you had then there’d be no reason for Rain to implicate themselves by saying Drunk instead of Noble.

may had already claimed not noble


Pre-Execution, yeah fair.
But then wouldn’t it be even more likely that Rain would whisper Mayhater to get the correct result instead of doing the copout? Lmao.

shortly after mayhater’s dreamer result became public

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Im at a lecture and i saw some kid’s bank
stock trading account worth 50k

Jfc :skull:

What the heck, they have more than me. F

Do you seriously think anyone believed May when she claimed not noble?

Anyway, you can’t argue Mayhater and Raincloud roleswapped and that’s why Rain had the UT claim… But then was left completely high and dry and also never spoke to each other a second time to inform the other of the team and/or to give results to support the claim.

That’s not even partially consistent with what would happen if that was actually the truth @benguinedparbecue

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people did. i sure did

kii out of curiosity how would you have reacted if mayhater and raincloud had whispered every day before raincloud ever outed their results

What was mays real role