Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

it’s not me D: D: D: D:

the issue is that all of us had limited at best communication with mayhater. in the gummy/mayhater world they didn’t communicate at all, and in the me/gummy i left out key facts i knew that resulted in mayhater committing significant blunders. the rain/gummy world also has limited communication, but. god fucking knows what could’ve happened. i’m convinced talking about how often evils communicated is a discussion topic that is doomed to fucking failure

could jarek have been evil?

It’s what mezzes do.

You won’t be laughed at. This isn’t an easy game.

Think about it this way though Gummy.
If we have a Goon (Bionic) and a Mez then we could’ve had up to 4 evils.
What would be needed to have potential balance against that?
An Undertaker and an Oracle. Which is why I’ve been half thinking that it’s Benguined.
But fmpov I’m the Oracle and you could’ve just gotten lucky to claim it too to make me doubt everything :frowning:

wait can you explain this plz

so whatever. maybe it’s gummy and mayhater and they just never whispered. maybe it’s mayhater and raincloud and they just never talked again after the mezzing (oh wow, who knew evil could do anti-meta things to subvert expectations!) who fucking knows

gummy you do not want me to start considering this world

this opens like 500 million cans of worms and you are evil in all but maybe like two of them

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No one will be laughing at anyone else here regardless of how things go.

it’s not me

like i know mechanically i don’t have much going in my defense but think about this:


also mayhater was so blatantly trying to pull jarek evil worlds out of their ass after jarek died that just. lmfao there’s just no way

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If Jarek is poisoned N1, Jarek sees a drunk in a place it isn’t.
In this world you/me can be Drunk/Oracle (It’s weird to show the Drunk an in-play character but you can do it)
And so because Jarek is poisoned and the drunk is elsewhere, Benguined would be evil with Mayhater.
As otherwise there’s no viable way for incorrect information.

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so then benguined gave a true noble ping to siphon attention off of them…?

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i could also siphon attention off of me with. a false noble ping! many wonders in this world

It’s an uptick for the Oracle if there’s 1 in play.
It’s a result the UT would see to help confirm them.
So yeah.

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That’s where I’m currently at at least.

That would be risky though.

i know im just looking for a game solve w/ you and mayhater and raincloud and mayhater

I’ll vote based on which seems more probable

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well i know which way kii’s gonna push!