Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins


If Mayhater’s holding the baby and busses a teammate, baring in mind Mayhater even had Rain as UT there, then they’d be able to have Rain see an evil and it makes Mayhater look clear.

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i feel like kii is pushing the “mez must have whispered afterwards” when they might not have

Me and Rain both see an evil in that world. And it just solidifies Mayhater.
So there is a huge gain

Gummy, think this through.
In the world where they don’t, they’ve turned somebody evil but it gives 0 benefit to their team.
You need to know who’s on your team in order to help properly.

it doesn’t make sense

fmpov i am the oracle. who the fuck are you? i kept thinking you were a good drunk but that doesn’t make sense from jarek’s perspective

if jarek is good you CAN’T be the oracle bc either jarek is drunk or one of the two people he saw is drunk

so where does that leave you?

I mean I am the Oracle.
If Jarek was poisoned and we’re drunk + oracle it can work.
But then it’d be Benguined as evil.
And that’s what I’ve been trying to point out.

Mechanically you and Benguined are opposed.

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Probably to get your support. Starting to think it’s just Benguined here myself. It makes a lot more sense to me now than for it to be you at this point.

if there are in fact 3 evils

and 9 players

then the evil team needs…how many votes? 5?


like don’t the evil people need a 5-4 vote

im trying to think of how benguined is trying to pocket me/what benefits it has

They can have a 4-3.
Or a 3-2 or anything like that.
Heck even a tie works for them

Like with what MAYHATER did to me. Evils support someone good hoping to get that good person to trust them.

+1 vote to Benguined’s team.

The gain would be to build trust.

this pressure is so much:(

im worried about being laughed at at the end of this game D: D: D: D: D:

IDK which of you/Benguined is the evil one.
(Yes, I know it can be Rain but it’s so mechanically unviable and I’ve explained why whenever it’s been questioned)

But ughhhh

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This exactly.