Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

a list of claims?

hi jarek. i claim lebiathan what u think bout tht

jarek - librarian
me - oracle
kii - oracle
benguined - noble
raincloud - undertaker
may - ravenkeeper
mayhater - uh basically outed evil but not sure
bionic - goon

would you guys believe me if i claimed i was actually good this whole time and just doing an extended reactiontest

you missed someone - artist
mayhater - librarian (but blah blah we all know that’s bs)

…if you’ve known that it mechanically had to be between me or raincloud the entire time and chose to withhold this information

whatever. not even worth considering at this point

eugh I have no idea

terrible reaction test if you’re in a noble ping. gonna just assume you’re evil (but why out yourself as evil if you’re in a noble ping anyway if not to confirm someone else in it who through a contrived set of scenarios is also evil with you)

Generally I do the best in BotC when I start with a list of principles I want to be true and solve backward from there

>no world makes sense

Mayhater actual dreamer with gummy mutant/vigo, may noble/poisoner, and kiiruma oracle/mez

may noble/poisoner still doesn’t make sense

MAYHATER Poisoned n2 (which makes raincloud evil unless bionic is actual godfather, which doesn’t mechanically work in this world)

the best part is how little I am kidding


To make said person look suspicious.

that’s. the opposite of the obvious conclusion people would derive from that though

I am good

i made a critical error in calculation and that is my fault but i do really seriously want to explain myself

No it isn’t and you pointing out that it’s suspicious proves it.

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