Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins


As it is the final day, the game will be guaranteed to end no later than 2024-04-10T01:30:00Z. I implore you to consider where to place your vote, as it will be your last opportunity to do so.


no way the game ended yesterday? unforch!

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perfect timing for people to see my post

I am dreamer, and all results stated are correct (I think I had to have been poisoned n2 obvs. but it is what I saw)

Basically, I knew due to my mech info that I could not be good with RainCloud. I also knew that the tides were really strongly turning against me, and I wanted to do something that could get RainCloud executed because I knew just sticking to my claim would do me nothing good becuase nobody believed me.

I realized d3 a couple of things
-Raincloud could not be good
-Nobody would believe me
-Many people believed that I was good, but cere mad yesterday

it was a calculated FPS. Making out RC to be the cere with my Lib results and saying we had to kill them today succeeded in my goal of getting someone I knew was evil killed, and it set it up perfectly (without my realization that jarek was actually lib, I honestly thought he was just fucking around)

I didn’t know jarek was lib and I sorta really fucked up there. I kinda shut down after that but I thought about my course of action and decided that, mechanically, I could act as evil and still be likely to get RainCloud executed

Explaining the FPS: My thought process was, mostly, that socially me/RainCloud seemed super aligned, and with Benguin in the Lib results, it would be really easy to assume that the noble results were false and that it was a me/raincloud team

I did not know that it’s unusual to put two evil in fake noble results. Frankly it seemed pretty reasonable to me and I didn’t think anyone would object. I felt that, if people just assumed benguin was the drunk (which considering its a likely LM game, I feel like people would have done?) it would make perfect sense for it to be a me/rc world with me vouching for them d1, and with me ‘falling for the claimswap’ (what I think was poison-related), and with me never whispering either of Someone or Gummybear

it’s my fault for trying such a risky play without full knowledge of customs of the setup. I am sorry. I really thought I was cooking but I need to give you the truth

@iamagummybear I know you have been confused but you have to know what I am saying is true if u are the mutant. It explains literally everything. obv you wouldn’t break madness but I gotta say u gotta believe me and u can still push a RainCloud world with me as a member of the evil team with them so it wouldn’t break madness

I also, unfortunately, have extremely bad timing with my decisions to reveal these things because I have to go to a class until roughly 5:30 (i leave early b/c I am not technically enrolled and have to do stuff after then, but I still am going to the class and can’t miss it. its a weird situation that I couldn’t outright say without just outting my own poorly hidden identity)

I will try and intermittedly respond with any questions but I have my full mindset and results explained. good luck team and again sorry but I hope you can believe me for lack of anything else making sense

VOTE: RainCloud

This is literally the dumbest thing ever. Not too surprised that MAYHATER would continue pushing on me even today. That way, she can avoid the WIFOM of is MAYHATER defending her buddy or does she just want to make it look like she’s defending her buddy?

no this makes too much sense actually

of course none of our worlds were making sense if they were built on incorrect foundations

What does? MAYHATER is literally outed evil.

Some of our worlds we came up with did make sense though.

…not really. and there are still flaws with this world, like why there’s seemingly a third outsider if gummy is mutant, jarek saw a drunk, and bionic’s goon. requires mayhater or jarek to have been poisonsniped n1 or for there to be a godfather. i would like mayhater to elaborate on this when they’re available

Plus, the world she built is literally impossible. We went over that D3. It’s why we executed her.

Gummy is not a mutant. There’s no room for mutant to exist.

Good doesn’t literally out as evil Benguined. That’s literally gamethrowing and of course MAYHATER would push me here hoping I’d go over.

…did you watch botc lizards by any chance

No. Why?

people do dumb shit all the time. your entire argument for the world where i’m evil is one where i did dumb shit.

would you believe a good player outed as evil and lost their team the game by making their solves incorrect

you can ask Someone about it if you’d like

So? That’s completely different than literally gamethrowing.