Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

You were literally doing pretty much the exact same thing at points and at least my points had merit. MAYHATER is super outed as evil.

What the heck

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I think Benguined just showed his true colors here.


VOTE: BenguinedParbecue

idk this could have merit but im in pset hell fuck

You need to vote using the vote function. The hammer.

Oh yeah. You were already voting for him.

I don’t

Think that doing this has literally any value if Mayhater is evil?

gummy, what’s more likely here? me being evil with mayhater (as already explained I would have had to fumble like 10 bags) or raincloud being evil with kii (they’re practically conjoined at the hip)

Now Benguined, if Gummy was really the mutant, why didn’t she switch to voting me just now?

Im not the fucking mutant lmao

because believing in mayhater’s world would be a madness break. gummy’s gonna have to find an alternate explanation to vote you

Me and Raincloud have never talked.
You and MayHater did.

On top of this Gummy’s info is against Me/Rain but isn’t against You/Mayhater + Evil goon.

You’re literally joining to MAYHATER, an outed evil who has lied so much.

But as I said I am just the Oracle.
As you would know.

aaand kii pivots into believing gummy is good wholeheartedly right as raincloud does. what a coincidence! i’m sure this mirrors their past beliefs

I’ve argued all worlds but nice try

It literally wouldn’t be a madness break.