Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

If we try using your info to solve, we’ll lose.

other evil is godfather duh

Where’s the poisoner then? We don’t have room for a godfather.

youuuu (soulja boy etc etc)

Then where’s the cere that your world oh so needs?

i lied about it lol

The world you’re suggesting literally requires three minions.

cerenovus isn’t required anymore

Nice try. Good wouldn’t do that. You’re just trying your best to paint me as the last evil so that you can win.

kii Gf is probable i think, seems to be likeliest socially

Benguin, good players wouldn’t lie like that.

well yes

ok bye

trust my info thx byeeee

raincloud i literally went on a whole claimswap adventure. may was noble for like 2 days there. good players lie all the time this script is themed around good players lying

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There’s no room for a GF and I literally never whispered to Kii.

Benguined, that kind of lying doesn’t literally harm town’s chances of winning.

gummy and mayhater never whispered (OH BUT THEY ATTEMPTED BLAH BLAH BLAH) what is your point

You know what my point is Benguined. You’re either evil or extremely gullible in my eyes if you believe MAYHATER’s bs for even a second.

your hypocrisy in willing to use a lack of whispers to defend one possible team but condemning another team who also had 0 whispers is. stunning

VOTE: Benguin

Having a hard time seeing a townsfolk ever act like Benguined is acting now.

He rejects worlds that are perfectly plausible with Gummy as the last evil but then concentrates on worlds where I’m the last evil and now he’s trusting an outed evil 100% just because she came up with a world where I’m evil when that world is literally impossible.