Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

Nice try but you aren’t tricking anyone and you never claimed to me. I accidentally broke the whisper before you could.

No. We need them on Benguined.

throughout this entire game kii and raincloud have been alignment way more than me and mayhater have. kii has been defending raincloud from the start

i still said that i was trying to live for a while. not that either of us can verify that now lol. i wish i said it earlier

RainCloud blatantly lying here guys pleasseeee believe me

You’re outed evil and everyone knows it at this point.

You’re the one blatently lying at this point.

MAYHATER is literally outed evil and Kiiruma was using logic. Mechanically, I’m very unlikely to be evil.

can anyone explain why i didn’t tell mayhater about the other dreamer report i had heard? can anyone explain why i didn’t tell mayhater that i was claimswapping? can anyone come up with an explanation for this that isn’t just handwaving it and saying i’m stupid like every explanation of this up to this point has?

i know i messed up but what is my motivation as evil… why would i do this. literally everything I did and all results make huge sense from storytellers (gummy as mutant/puk to ensure that when we found out it was LM i could help gummy keep madness, may as noble/poisoner poisoned result sets it up to look like i failed a claimswap, kii result probably poisoned as well lol and if not its obv why theyd show me oracle if hes evil)

Mistakes on your part of course. No one is perfect and everyone makes them.


Literally no one has called you stupid even once.

they seem like pretty major mistakes. why the hell wouldn’t a whisper between evils be full disclosure?

Read this Benguined.

People make such mistakes all the time. Heck,I’ve made mistakes like that while evil too.

I wish anyone else was here

@iamagummybear please for the love of god reconsider. you’ve been socially aware that raincloud and kii were likely evil together all day. you even tried to build worlds around it. and the moment there becomes mechanical backing for it you… vote me?

they have to keep madness i think? at this point dont wanna risk it

bc im not mutant