Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

you know that doesn’t actually unvote me, right? you have to hit the button to the right of the hammer

[unvote] [/unvote]

Wtf? Don’t unvote!


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I’m mentally nowhere. I’m going to place a vote based on what I feel is right in my very obscured had

If Gummy was mutant, he’d be voting for me right now and you know it.

breaks madness lol so they cant. Gummy is mutant i’m super sure of it based on dayplay

You’re literally making it easier for evils to win here.

claiming to be kii’s pixie is a terrible decision as mutant because it confirms someone you don’t actually know is townsfolk as townsfolk

It literally doesn’t break madness just to vote.

You… realise that Mayhater… is claiming you’re a Mutant.
And they’re aligned with Benguined, right?

@mayhater construct a world where im actually oracle lmao I’m not mutant

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yeah yeah 37 more minutes of this and then u can finally stop pretending

Mayhater even saw me as Oracle.

if i was mutant i would be DEAD I’ve been entertaining the possibility that I’m a fucking drunk

She literally can’t. Because she’s evil. The only world with MAYHATER good has you as a mutant and a mutant knows that they’re a mutant.

ur the mutant or the pukka or im n1 poisoned and frankly speaking I would be absurdly shocked if ur the pukka or im n1 poisoned

There’s no pretending MAYHATER.

just drop it lol. u can just pretend that u think im evil with raincloud and vote there anyways


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