Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

im the oracle tho lmaoooooooooooo

and im leafia

Then I’m Marshal.

wow im a huge fan


guys ive literally entertained the possibility that I’m drunk how tf am i mutant

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I’m a huge fan of you too. You’re so cool Leafia.

gummy you can just prioritize social over mech. there’s just no way i do half the things i’ve done if i’m aligned with mayhater

a townsfolk would do that it doesnt break Ns standards i dont think

Correct. If Gummy was the mutant, entertaining the possibility of her being the drunk would’ve killed her.

Benguined’s noble pings were MAYHATER/Jarek/RainCloud

Gummy’s oracle numbers were…?

Yes there is. There’s no way you’d do this if you weren’t aligned with MAYHATER.

1, 1, 2?

I had a 0 on Bionic and Jarek fwiw

If a mutant ever entertains the possibility that they’re any outsider, they die.

so true

okay @mayhater come up with a world where I’m oracle fr

And Gummy entertained the possibility that she was the drunk, which happens to be an outsider. Please explain that Benguined.

mhm ueah sure i totally tbink ur oracle. i’ve constructed such a world and come to the exact same solution thx :)

@iamagummybear 1, 1, 2, correct?

Nightkills were Jarek, Someone, Kiiruma