Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

me too

i think it would have felt better if we had won

or claim evil?

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who knows

Internal screaming
I mean Mayhater was kind enough to just say the word in thread and I repeated it.
Because as I said, I do love being evil~
Plus I don’t break madness (Unless I’m good and dead and it wouldn’t hurt us)

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nah i probably still never would’ve played it again. but this ending is extra frustrating!

bionic just threw

they threw HARD

im never playing longform botc again

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Legit this is why I always trust bionic

We have actually not once been on opposite teams

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yeah my mistake

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I made a non-Mutant world and she ignored it

free seamstress ping

i voted raincloud…

even if bionic didn’t switch it would’ve been a tie. and idk if ties are actually randed or if it would’ve been an autoloss. but ugh

I would have voted Rain if my internet didnt die

nah RC would be up 1 bionic did kinda sell lol

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Benguined especially played very well for someone who pretty much got professionally gaslit into believing one of three players was evil



benguined is good

Well you did vote for RainCloud because you knew RainCloud was evil but you werne’t like “oh wow May made a non-Mutant world :) Perfect that’s a relief I can feel comfortable here!” you actually questioned things and odubted yourself. That’s my point