Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

If the Recluse guessed the real Damsel on D1, would you all end the game?

I bluffed it in a blind mans bluff game

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but i had to think of another solution so outting myself as fake mez was my play. worked shockingly well

If you’re the Recluse and you try to Damsel guess, you’re doing it because you want to “Waste the evil team’s guess” so congrats, you get the evil team’s guess to succeed.

You’re meant to harm town. Don’t damsel guess 4head…

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I guessed the damsel wrong and said “Oh wait j am just the recluse who got the damsel message guys”

blind mans bluff :horrified:

Long form bmb does not work

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you have no idea how many conflicting emotions i felt at that moment

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I’ve been a damsel in a BMB.
Was picked N1 by the Huntsman and became the Alche Witch.

And will never work

Probably. Outsider abilities should be interpreted to benefit evil wherever possible.

fixed that for ya

why the fuck do people enjoy blind mans bluff

at least with all amnes you know your own damn alignment

I enjoy short form its funny when it only lasts like an hour

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eh fair

ig it could be like a GI turbo in that regard

and the fear i felt when may claimed not noble. because god if may was really damsel that was a blunder. i probably should’ve realized they. weren’t really damsel

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I like the silent precedent that Recluses will spend a guess on Damsels, but not on other characters.

It’s sort of a give-and-take, since the Recluse knows that player isn’t the Damsel (useful if it’s an evil bluffing), but the evil team also learns that if the Recluse is public about their claim.

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I was once an innkeeper in bmb. Who made the shab think they were a lunatic cause i picked the same players as her everday

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