Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

knowing some STs yes

it’s who the st thinks the high priestess should talk to. and maybe the st wants the high priestess to get mezzed

Taco’s poem at the end of the final day saying he has the baby is still in my top 10 moments

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and no one believed him thank fuck

i mean goal is to win the game, not to win as the alignment you start as.


see its weird because mez itself is meant to be a faustian contract kind of character

fair enough

I mean if someone gives me the mezword. Imma say it

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It does, but that’s sorta by design.
Roles like Politician, I think, prove that BotC’s design doesn’t care about whichever alignment players currently have; but rather about what they’ll have by the game’s end.


i think its a weird line

then again this same game had a good goon guess the damsel because ???

after the bionic fiasco I did set it up so that I wasn’t in a position where i’d have to ask someone to say the mez word and risk being outted.

because kii saying it means he did want to turn evil… but also it doesn’t actually confirm me as evil until he’s already turned evil

I would like to claim Damsel and guess Bionic as the Goon.


i was also, hilariously enough, SO convinced may was damsel d1, and SO pissed that raincloud poisoned them

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I would like to claim recluse and guess bionic as the damsel

Also @Kiiruma why did you openly say the mezword rather than consult ST and say it? or at least say it in a whisper? lol

You met him havent you?

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In any case, the formula of Mezepheles being a consensual converter is cool because it risks outing you if the wrong player is asked.

As opposed to someone randomly saying the word, turning evil, and being stranded.

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I personally enjoy being mez turned because I enjoy starting as good and turncoating against good.
It’s so much easier to help good than it is to help evil.
Because if you help evil too much it can be almost impossible to recover.

I understand the argument for the whole ‘doing it sneakily thing’ though but a key thing about the mez is it’s an agreement of sorts between players anyway. It’s a deal with the devil.

I will always take a mez word without betraying the mez. But like if I’m not turned, I work my ass off to solve with my team. It makes it harder to trust me, but I’m a mechanically competent player.

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i honestly prolly would have just given up and damsel guessed may if not for the poison on may

Because I wanted Leafia and Marissa to know who was being turned without them needing to talk to each other or to me separately pre-turn.

That way I can whisper them both post-turn so I can learn the team and formulate a quick plan.