Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

I Did Not Know That At The Time

Getting a powerful fake (like NOT NOBLE) also helps you avoid execution

literally half the demons own ravenkeeper. because lil monsta is st discretion and pukka doncic is raven booker father

Not my fault. Just gotta play to the Demons where Ravenkeeper is not owned

i’m also realizing the extremely lucky coincidence that poisoner just happened to hit the person who claimswapped with the drunk. and that’s why marissa fell for it

I was thinking of whispering you claiming Not Damsel because I trusted you a decent amount at that point but because Bionic Damsel guessed I was worried there was one in play and he was evil Goon/Mez turned guessing to try to get them to out. So I was going to just see it through

Did Marisa guess them as damsel

Also Leafia never should’ve even remotely survived claiming I was the fucking DRUNK

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i really wanted to whisper you to tell you i had to pivot to seamstress because kii basically owned me in our 3f3 (in retrospect he wasn’t actually oracle and the dreamer wasn’t real so lmfao) but the opportunity never came up

no marissa made up a dreamer report where they were noble. and told me instantly

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Also I was trying to soft not Damsel to you by repeatedly saying I didn’t wanna die

But I see you just took that as a sign of Evil Inconsistency

see when you started being like this i was like “wait what if may’s actually just poisoner and poisoned me n1”

like in retrospect i should’ve done more to push mayhater that day because the dreamer report was obviously bullshit and i knew it was obviously bullshit. but i worried if i pushed too hard that they’d guess may as damsel and it’s game over

and there was also the possibility that may was actually just evil and the dreamer report just used the fakeclaim i so generously gave them

I literally claimed I wasn’t the Noble for that express purpose

You know May, for a role you don’t really like being, you really commit to the Ravenkeeper gambit.


and i was scared because i thought it was a blunder. blah blah blah i did not play perfectly this game

One thing about me is I will rand Ravenkeeper


I don’t hate being Ravenkeeper I just hate it on Pukka and Lil’ Monsta scripts