Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

48/24 phases are gummy bear father

getting addicted to phrases and using them even when not in an appropriate context or not everyone understands them is my father

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I will say that if there is a Mezepheles, I will happily take your word and no I won’t snitch on you because that is lame. My favourite thing in BotC is starting as good and becoming evil and I’m pretty solid at evil in BotC (See Lizards for an example)


This is BotC, its really easy to be evil when there are no flips

Yes I know this might make some sceptical about trusting me but let me put it this way. While I am good I will be actively solving with my info and others’ info. If I turn evil I will twist it slightly to help my new team

decision paralysis is hypothetical mezepheles father

why am i like this

I disagree with that. It’s not ‘easy’ being evil as there’s a lot of counterplay against what good has.

Good has a majoriry and usually some decent info to world build. Evils need to find out how to weasel their way into that

Decision paralysis is the hypothetical mezepheles father? Are you ok? That makes no sense lol

The last like 6 games in a row of BotC, I have seen evils win

might be more, its at least 6

not exclusively here, was only here for 2 of them

This is untrue.

Not too long ago we had a game of… extension cord? And town won that. Me and Magnus tag teamed and crossed our info

/end whisper

this guy loves the boykisser

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hm i wonder how town won a script revolving entirely around a demon that’s easily traceable when known to be in play

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how could i not

anyways brb

I probably have to take initiative huh

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