Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

many people are saying this!

nobody asked

It’s not the only game town has won.
I feel like long form clocktower is harder for evil because we can go back and see logs for everything which is said. You can’t do that in person

someone should run longform yaggababble :)

it would not devolve into just the worst kind of gameplay imaginable


and I can make the phrase like something nobody would ever say

Look, Yagga is one of the worst additions to clocktower. At least imo

more like [redacted]

i respect yagga’s ability to kill any time and allow for bluffing of previously unbluffable characters.

i wish they had implemented it in a more sane way but, you know

For a Yagga you need the right ST, the right group, the right word choice…

And even then it’s lacking player agency which sucks

What’s a Yagga do?

Ruins any enjoyment of a game for me

You get a phrase. Every time you say it a player might die that day or the following night. Though that is all ST controlled.

Ah. I see. Sounds interesting.

literally impossible in text form. just forbid people from saying the same phrase twice and kill them if they do

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Going to hazard a guess that Kiiruma is good btw. The way he’s playing seems strange if he’s evil.

that’s how he GETS you (i think)

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i feel like even in non longform yagga sucks. if the player is bashful or the phrase is out of character for them to say its just over. and if its too common, its completely uncatchable

Benguine I’m a bit conflicted on, but even if evil, I don’t think he’s the demon at least.

benguined minion raincloud demon. thanks guys pack it up