Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

yagga feels like some discord user’s shitty homebrew character

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it should absolutely be run on this website

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MAYHATER has evil equity too.

mayhater and gummy is the team pack it up

Not too sure Gummy is evil.

that’s how they GET you (yeah idk it’s too early game for this shit)

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Yeah. Way too early.

i consider m*y and oranges to be on the opposite spectrum of things. oranges are the best thing and m*y is the worst thing. the rest of you are somewhere in the middle.

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well that might be the best compliment i’ve ever gotten


i didn’t know your tunneling of me would carry on to long form botc

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oh i don’t actually have reads yet it’s just funny

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i have reads but im too scared they’re gonna be wrong

well if you never say them they’re guaranteed to not go anywhere

You should try forming some.

this game should try posting more

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True, but nobody wants to whisper me :cry:

same everyone hates me :relieved:

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anyone whisper w me?


the strict whisper limit is activating my whisper fomo. can’t use my whispers too early because what if i want to use them later