Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

i feel like im the designated ML

Gummy’s own information points away from me being evil.
Which, Gummy’s not the Oracle because I am…
But that’s besides the point.

I’m obviously the designated ML here I think.

also if it is LM game why would I not leave token with kii if they r mez turned

obviously its partner dependent but that forces hosts to not kill kiiruma who would in that case be the only player with town info and starting status

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Can we just say you’re both designated mis-executions then? Geez.
Whisper ain’t happening because you broke it immediately.
I’m assuming that Gummy is ceremad or just evil but idk.

or, get this, mutant !!

You’re not the only minion in a LM game you know.

well noble says it’s one of you two! (probably, barring fringe jarek worlds)

Yeah fine, it’s possible.
I was offering to cover for them though and told them to claim to be my pixie to be safe if they were mutant.
Yet they declined it and said I was evil

I’m not about to whisper to an obvious evil. Everything matches up perfectly.

I mean I had a 0.
And Gummy claimed to have a 1 for that night.

I think there’s almost always an evil in Jarek and Gummy because placing them both as good with their information pieces seems faulty.

I’m literally the Oracle and the other ‘Oracle’ is backing up that I’m good.

They got a 1 and could’ve been poisoned N2. Which means they should’ve gotten a 0 that night.

raincloud you never answered why I would out bionic and out the real mez words as mez

why not let it happen, kill you d1, keep goon alive, and mez turn someone else secretly? why do literally any of that


In that world why was Bionic also seen as Godfather? Hmmmm?

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also as mez why immediately waste all my whispers sod1

Actually, that’s a good question.

If we really are both good, then who are the evils?

were not both good

I voted for Benguined because Benguined is both outside of confirmation chains and outside of suspicion chains. Which if we think it’s a Lil Monsta then they’d be the safest person to hold it. Which is why I decided to vote last second to add some pressure on the wolves.

socially i very strongly feel its you and gummy. mechanically I know that isnt the case