Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

Good to see that you admit to being evil then and you could do it to gain my trust as well as make sure someone says the mez word. It’s the perfect way to do it out in the open.

why would i need your trust. respectfully who gives a shit

I think that there’s ways for you to both be good and yall need to just take a step back and look at things as a whole.


kii, which of jarek or mayhater would you say you trust more to be dreamer

Eh, Jarek’s result is easy to make up but so is Mayhater’s initial one too.
Yet I’m starting to buy the Gummy!Mutant world if Gummy is good so idfk honestly.

Easy. The more people that trust you, the better and having someone that’s convinced that you’re good in this kind of game is worth gold.

The thing I hate the most is that there’s actually a world where MAYHATER is evil and Kiiruma is still good.

kii doesn’t your result make jarek good

meh who cares if I’m evil or not I sure don’t

Yes, but we discussed this already that I would be a very viable poison target considering the fact that I’d claimed to several people… Jarek included. So if Jarek’s a vigor killed poisoner, you can poison the oracle who you know because you’d talked.

Jarek literally died N2, so he is far more likely to be the dreamer even ignoring everything else.

…then what about the undertaker?

I do not. Know.
The UT’s being whacky.

From a purely “me” perspective I don’t like dying in BOTC and I don’t care about mechanics like vigors that would want to kill me, still won’t like it

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I wish I was still alive. Seeing May and another person last night would’ve been super useful I think

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At least it’s not as bad as dying in other types of games.

i just really want may to say their piece because i can’t say their piece for them and there’s an outside chance i don’t have the full story. but i have thoughts.

mmmmmmm I’d argue it’s actually much worse

Yeah. All because of that poisoner. I think if we execute MAYHATER and I get a Poisoner result, Kiiruma can be trusted.

Any other game I can alt+F4 go next check back in a week oh look I lost