Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

My Oracle 0 would be Jarek, Bionic good(?) or me droisoned.
Gummy’s Oracle 1, 1 would be Jarek, Bionic has an evil. Kii, May both good.

it sure would be wacky if you were the drunk and you got a poisoner result the next night


frankly this late in the game there’s no way a demon with agency or the storyteller is letting you get a soberhealthy result and live to tell the tale

How? In other games, if you die, you can’t alk anymore. In these games, being dead is similar to being alive as you can still talk.

So let’s solve it via my info:
[Jarek, Bionic] good
This means that there’s droison shenanigans on the UT.

Jarek saw Someone as a potential poisoner.
This could explain why RainCloud receives bunk information.

Someone is also trying to argue it’s a LM game. Yet these kills feel targeted.

what’s benguin

i’ll just go out and say i’m the real noble. i don’t need may’s piece to say that who even cares

These kills have been on a Dreamer (claim) and an Oracle.
These are super good for evil and feel inconsistent with the world in which evils are doing well.
Resolving Someone could be useful as it might mean there’s no more poisoning.

Even if I die, at least I can still help solve the game. Thanks too. Now the storyteller is more likely to let me live if it’s a Lil Monsta game with MAYHATER as poisoner.

Actually, scratch that. Even if I do get a poisoner result, I could still have been poisoned potentially. I think.

in this world the demon has to be mayhater or raincloud. as per noble

Also, amazing lol.
I was arguing that benguined could be evil. And also arguing that the noble might be evil yesterday.
This is either a bullseye or I’m vastly off course

I highly doubt the demon is shown in the noble ping, hence me doubting it unfortunately.

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Also wait a second you’re a noble so a spent character.
And instead of telling me the truth you gave me a 3-for-3 and lied?!
Noble is super disposable and I wasn’t even in your pings what the heck lol

mmm think I’d kill the other dreamer

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So you think Someone could be the poisoner?.

Yes. That’s what Jarek dreamed.

Drunk or Poisoner.

may will say their piece when they say their piece. i had my reasons

I mean I’m happy to out it myself.
May’s claiming Seamstress and you both decided to roleswap and May checked me and another player and got a No?

If so it’d be useful to know who that other player is.
May has been seen as the Drunk so it’s possibly bunk but it’s still a useful note.