BOTC/BOTF Discussion Thread 2

sometimes you just have to put a mathematician in hell. and legion is there



this is a legal ruling

the only way Alchemist Spy works

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i think that it still comes from the spy ability, regardless of what ability type it comes from?
although theres a debate about whether alch-twin is vortoxable or not, i run that anything that gains a townsfolk ability gets vortoxed, including apprentice, and anything that gains a non-townsfolk ability is not vortoxed, including alchemist
but i have no clue if there is an official stance on the matter

i think snake charmer should be vortoxed to get an incorrect demon whenever it hits :+1:

the current ruling is that if you are a Townsfolk, your abilities are Townsfolk abilities, given Cannibal precedent

what is the precedent for
canni/good widow?



If you make a good widow then you deserve to lose

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the precedent for cannibal puzzlemaster is that a second player is puzzledrunk and if the Cannibal dies with the ability thats permanent, but they have to guess their own puzzledrunk

The precedent for good widow cannibal is that good won the game presumably

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“deserve” is a strong word here

so if the canni puzzlemaster guesses in a vortox game they always learn a non-demon?

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by extension maybe avoid daughter of nox?

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i dont like the implications of that for alch-twin

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the good news is that presumably the evil twin also has to get misinformation

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Ok it is strong wording but how do you make a good widow?
Like… it would almost certainly have to be a pit-hag because there’s almost 0 worlds where you have a good widow otherwise… unless… barber swap? But like why?
And alche/spy + alche/widow are jinxed already.

If you’re intentionally making a good player into a widow, then what do you expect?

ive seen a pit-hag make a good spy and them tell them to shut up to fang gu jump to them

why not just make them an outsider

it seems like you’re relying on an extra step where if that step goes wrong you just autolose